Opportunity or not?
Deck Help forum
Posted on Nov. 11, 2013, 11:41 a.m. by Lord007
So currently I have 3x Inspiration and 2x Opportunity main-boarded. I'm thinking about changing that to 4x Inspiration and take out the 2x Opportunity and put a 4th Izzet Charm or Magma Jet or AEtherize in mainboard. Thoughts?
you really don't want Divination when you could Uncovered Clues and dig twice as deep for your combo. you'll have to reveal, but they won't know what you're up to until it's too late.
November 11, 2013 12:28 p.m.
or even Glimpse the Future . you should just dig for that other piece you need to make the combo go off.
November 11, 2013 12:29 p.m.
I would never run Divination over Inspiration . The instant speed is definitely worth the extra colorless. I want to try and get away from the Opportunity because they cost 6
November 11, 2013 12:34 p.m.
Blizzicane says... #6
Why would you want Inspiration over Divination for? I know that you can leave four mana open for counterspells or removal and if there is nothing you want to counter you can use Inspiration to draw 2 at the end step but four mana is simply to expensive for to justify drawing two cards.
I would go for 3 Divination and 2 Opportunity .
HR_Ludacris says... #2
The most obvious thought is: don't play Inspiration Just play Divination or run 3x Opportunity Inspiration is just a waste of a card slot and there are much better cards to play.
November 11, 2013 12:01 p.m.