orzhov control help
Deck Help forum
Posted on Aug. 13, 2013, 2:21 p.m. by Cyber Locc
Need a little advice on some card changes I have been crunching on I cant decide its hard calls.
Okay so I'm trying to decide two this 1 is Crypt Ghast or Liliana's Reaver - I love crypht ghast hes a great card amazing in mono black but in black, white when I get him out he helps a little with mana but not much and then hes just a 2/2. Lilys reaver is a 4/3 with death touch can make zombies and causes discard in a discard heavy deck. I feel it fits the deck more however the dilemma is crypt ghast has saved me games where I was mana screwed so I just don't know.
The other dilemma is card draw right now Im running Dark Prophecy and frankly its not great. Every time I have pulled it it sat in my hand there was better things to do or mana to leave open for doom blade ect. I really feel its a dead card. I want to replace it with something white I was thinking Path of Bravery or maybe Solemn Offering as my deck is very life gain heavy with angel of thune blood baron ect. I have been back and forth on all this the past 2 days asked in my decks comments no replies so now Im asking here.
The deck is Blood Thief BTW and hasn't lost yet out of my 6 play tests(3 on here 3 in real life) since swapping to control so these things arent making me lose yet but I fear they will.
Cyber Locc says... #2
I was also considering Desecration Demon for Crypt Ghast s spot but I think the reaver is a tad better suited in the control environment.
August 13, 2013 2:25 p.m.