Orzhov Debt Control
Deck Help forum
Posted on Feb. 16, 2014, 10:36 p.m. by tman007
I looked at the results of that event at Wizards HQ and saw a lot of Orzhov control, which I believe to be well-placed in the new meta. So, I built my version:
Debt to the D-Bags Playtest
SCORE: 0 | 0 COMMENTS | 0 VIEWSIt is similar to the ones there, except using Debt to the Deathless to stabilize and as a win-con. It seems to work pretty well. Any suggestions?
deathtouch_roadrunner Thanks for the advice! I think I will add 2 Lilliana and get rid of 1 Debt and 1 Devour Flesh. I'm really liking the idea of ulting lili and then using debt. Thanks!
February 16, 2014 11:01 p.m.
deathtouch_roadrunner says... #5
The nice thing about her effect is it can frequently kill gods. In normal mono-black I've also enjoyed using the land fetch to make Pack Rat tokens. With devour flesh, I think at this point 2 main is fine, but more copies are best sideboard in case you face hexproof. (Erebos, God of the Dead is also amazing vs. hexproof, btw.)
deathtouch_roadrunner says... #2
I love debt, but it's pretty dangerous as it's not the greatest casting cost bargain unless you have 8+ mana open, which you very well might in a control deck, but probably not until after you stabilize. I'd think maybe it's a 2 or 3 of, not a 4 of. You're running a lot of 6+ mana stuff, so maybe Liliana of the Dark Realms instead of one Debt to the Deathless ? She combines removal with mana fetching, both of which should be good for your deck. And if some poor soul lets her ultimate, you can debt for like a bazillion.
February 16, 2014 10:53 p.m.