Orzhov Midrange?
Deck Help forum
Posted on March 16, 2014, 2:41 a.m. by Zialon
I've been playing with this deck for a few days now, and I'm not sure what to call it or where to go with it. I want to call it tempo even though it curves out on the high end. The removal and card advantage makes it feel like tempo, but I guess you'd call it midrange?
So far I've had problems with Esper control and Red devotion. Junk Mid seems to go either way, but relies heavily on drawing well.
I'm looking for recommendations to make this thing work. I feel like I'm on to something, but it's not quite there yet.
That's why I said it's not really midrange and veers closer to tempo. The upsides to Pain Seer and Vizkopa Guildmage are exactly why they're in there, not for their bodies.
You'd be surprised how often Orzhov Charm has saved an important creature from a board wipe/removal using the bounce function. It might be better to move them to sideboard against removal/control. I'll mess with different removal in the main. Thanks!
Slycne says... #2
Midrange is all about presenting high impact cards around a shell of disruption and removal. To that end I think you can pull Pain Seer and Vizkopa Guildmage as Grizzly Bears with upside just isn't the kind of card you want to be playing. The 3rd/4th Lifebane Zombie wouldn't be a bad idea, a bit more 2 CMC removal and Underworld Connections is a nice card to have around.
I think Orzhov Charm can also be cut. Your basically never using more than the kill mode, so it's just becoming a harder to use removal spell. I would instead play with the numbers a bit, 2 Ultimate Price is a pretty safe bet and you can up the Devour Flesh and such.
March 16, 2014 5:35 a.m.