Deck Help forum
Posted on Feb. 20, 2014, 8:51 p.m. by Grimmlol
i would like to advertise my deck. It is an Orzhovaggrodeck, which heavily emphasises the bestow mechanic. Right now i am struggling with Pain Seer being in the deck or not. Feel free to comment, playtest or just look it up for inspiration ;-)
AndyReveler says... #3
i think its decent, just take out Pain Seer as you dont really have the means to effectively use him for anything else really, even Tithe Drinker would be better in its place, that and/or Gift of Orzhova might be good too.
February 20, 2014 11:28 p.m.
Hello and thanks for your advices. While playtesting i often encountered problems with the mana and more often than not i found Nighthowler to do next to nothing for me. Maybe i just didn't have the right moment yet with him, but i boarded him out for Precinct Captain . He makes a very good bestowtarget and i like how he contributes to pushing the Eidolon of Countless Battles as well as Brimaz, King of Oreskos does.I am still testing whether letting Pain Seer in the deck as his additional carddraws have such a massive impact on the game, every time they happen. Springleaf Drum is a consideration that i had and maybe i will test with it, though i don't have 4copies of it yet. Gift of Orzhova might replace Pacifism together with perhaps Brave the Elements . That might give the deck more evasion and make Pain Seer-triggers more regular.
Slycne says... #2
I think you need to work on the mana base and card selection a little bit. Ideally you want 19 sources of a color to 90% ensure having double of that color on T3 - 18 for T4. Brimaz, King of Oreskos , Eidolon of Countless Battles , Herald of Torment and Nighthowler is a bit too ambitious on 15-16 sources. That's just going to loose you games, it's undeniably powerful but it's not consistent.
I would recommend swinging the color focus in one direction or the other. Or accepting that you'd rather have the power and loose a little speed by working in at least 2 Orzhov Guildgate and/or try to work Springleaf Drum into the mix.
February 20, 2014 9:27 p.m.