Otherworld Atlas vs. Time Bomb in EDH?
Deck Help forum
Posted on Jan. 28, 2014, 10:27 a.m. by aFriendlyAlly
I'm probably going to include one of either Otherworld Atlas or Time Bomb in my fairly casual Vorel of the Hull Clade EDH deck. It's mainly for fun as neither are that amazing for me, however it seems fun to cause some chaos. I have quite a bit of doubling effects so it should be easy to get both to quite a high number.
Which do you guys think would be more fun?
aFriendlyAlly says... #3
I just kind of have it in as a placeholder, don't actually have either in the deck yet. However I'm thinking more like double the Time bomb with both vorel and Gilder Bairn and Prophet of Kruphix type effects to do it every turn, and get it to some absurd number (20+), so everything would die anyways.
Although if i do decide to go with Otherworld Atlas , I'm definitely taking it out when someone plays Nekusaur lol.
January 28, 2014 11:23 a.m.
nobu_the_bard says... #4
I hear that, but I think if you are looking to destroy all creatures, you might rather have something like Nevinyrral's Disk , which would not require the counter shenanigans, and you could use it almost immediately with Aphetto Alchemist or some of your other tricks. I think Time Bomb is at its best when it is being used to kill the small fry, only ticking it up high enough to wipe out the army of 2/2 tokens or whatever your opponents have; it can be tricky to get it high enough to destroy some threats, like Lord of Extinction , Consuming Aberration , or Serra Avatar via damage. However, it would also mean if you get something pumped up huge via counters Time Bomb would leave it alone, I suppose.
Cyclonic Rift or Evacuation I think would serve you better, particularly with Evacuation because you could replay your creatures for more optimal evolve triggers later in the game while also bogging down opponents. Cyclonic Rift is just straight-up crazy one-sided awesomeness itself. You might want to check out Capsize too, for targetted removal.
Anyway it's just some thoughts, I don't think anything you have set up is "wrong" or "bad", I tend to overemphasize large creature threats because of the nature of my local meta, I think.
January 28, 2014 12:22 p.m.
aFriendlyAlly says... #5
Alright, I was simply asking which one people would think would be more fun lol, I know that theres much better cards, but im just asking which would you think is more fun, take 30 to the face, or draw 30 cards.
January 28, 2014 1:23 p.m.
infinitemana says... #6
I think that Otherworld Atlas is the more fun card. When everybody is drawing a bunch, you get to see the best of each persons deck, and no one wants to attack the guy giving them free cards. Until they draw themselves out, that is. >:)
January 28, 2014 1:52 p.m.
aFriendlyAlly says... #7
Lol yup, I think I'll go with the otherworld atlas, and then just replace it with something when I'm versing my friend's Nekusaur.
nobu_the_bard says... #2
Did you decide on Otherworld Atlas ? I saw it on your decklist Simic 1/1 counter EDH. I was going to say; the Atlas if you want a "fun" interaction with other players (particularly if you aren't punishing them for having more cards somehow via Iron Maiden or something). Time Bomb is a type of boardwipe, and I think it would work against you better than for you, because your deck contains more small creatures than large, and it is of the sort of "kill the small fry" type of tools like Pyroclasm or Pestilence .
January 28, 2014 11:16 a.m.