Pioneer or Modern for a Janky Lutri Shrines deck? Kitchen table/casual of course
Deck Help forum
Posted on March 3, 2022, 7:13 p.m. by Kazierts
Just by looking at the title, you're probably thinking I'm a madman. If you are doing so, you're not wrong but I have my reasons.
I like building decks based around stupid ideas, more so if they sound fun. Shrines are cool, but a bit too mainstream for me. I could incorporate a random arbitrary restriction but that doesn't seem fun to me. So, I thought to myself, why not choose a companion to force a restriction? I'm not gonna go over why I didn't choose any of the otters (get it?), I'll just exlpain why Lutri, the Spellchaser was my choice. From what I've seen, most decks run singleton copies of every shrine, except for Sanctum of All. As such, Lutri immediately came to my mind. I would just have to find a way to make a 5 color deck on a budget with single copies of each nonland card. That's where the choice of formats come in.
Modern has the benefit of having a bigger pool of cards but I'm not sure if this deck would be as strong (or playable) as other casual decks. Pioneer, on the other hand, seems to be more receptive of this idea, seeing as there have been a few decks that have topped while playing the Guildgates, which is one of the packages I'm considering. Also, Lutri, has seen niche success in Pioneer.
Basically, this alongside which package to run, guildgates or snowduals with the subtypes, are my main struggles right again. I'm very interested to see what other people think about this.
Because I already know someone is probably gonna comment it, I know there's no reason to run Lutri. I just want to have fun building a dumb deck.
Technically, we don't play in any format. I normally build my decks with Modern in mind, even though I have a single deck I want to make competitive, the others being pure budget jank. One of my friends decied to also build his decks with Modern in mind, just to have some focus.
I know I should probably just don't care about formats when building these wonky stuff but I like having some limitations. I also try to think a little bit about the format's meta, even though I won't play it even at an FNM or something. It gives me a direction to brew.
Thanks for the input!
March 4, 2022 9:12 a.m.
Modern has the mana base to support 4 and 5 color decks fairly well. Pioneer missing fetch lands makes it a lot harder. If your building it with an already lackluster mana base is throwing in lutri really worth handicapping yourself even more?
But if you do go with modern you def could run the lutri between fetches and triomes
March 4, 2022 10 a.m.
Of course it's not worth. As you already mentioned, Shrines aren't a decent deck already. Throwing Lutri in is more about the fun and challenge than anything else. I have no intention of taking it to an LGS unless a random one decides to, out of nowhere, have a casual jank day with a budget restriction, which I don't think will ever happen.
Since it's mostly for casual play, I don't intend to play fetches (at least the absurdly expensive ones) nor Triomes. However, I do agree Modern has a better manabase to support it.
Thanks for the input!
wallisface says... #2
I would say, you probably want to build this deck to the format you and your friends play in. As this is likely going to be a casual brew, it feels unlikely that you'll be wanting to get crushed by this competitively.
So I think see what your group is currently playing, and go with that
March 3, 2022 8:39 p.m.