Deck Help forum
Posted on March 3, 2014, 9:50 a.m. by LordoftheReal
Why when my deck is formatted as "Planechase", a bunch of cards are still labeled as illegal and the format says [Planechase*] instead of just [Planechase]? Also, can there be a more specific way of adding a Planar Deck (or Scheme deck for Archenemy) while they are identified in the deck list as what they are but not count to the actual # of cards in the deck? As it stands, I input all Plane/Phenomenon or Scheme cards in the Maybeboard of said Planechase or Archenemy based deck.
LordoftheReal says... #3
Oh, sorry about the improper placement, I really wasn't sure.
And thank you so much for your help, it's really been bothering me that these formats be included but not accommodated well enough. Personally, for example, Horde Magic should be a format not a hub and things should be treated as banned or illegal if they are banned or illegal in the format.
raithe000 says... #2
This should really go in the TappedOut forum. Someone will be along to move it eventually.
The way legality works on TappedOut, things are assumed to be illegal unless stated otherwise. When people input cards, they rarely bother to include the less played formats as legal, usually only hitting the major ones. This means that cards appear to be illegal when really they are.
I'll tag yeaGO! to see if its possible to mark plane and scheme cards differently than normal ones.
March 3, 2014 10:03 a.m.