Play Test This Deck! Post Your Findings!
Deck Help forum
Posted on Nov. 27, 2013, 5:45 p.m. by Femme_Fatale
Basically, here is my issue: Play testing my newly made deck, The Grim Reaper is Stalking Us .... about 30 times or so, I have not once, NOT ONCE, gotten Phyrexian Unlife in my hand to play. Which is irritating, because I envisioned numerous combos and benefits with using it.
So, I would very much like it if you could play test this for me and post your findings, in a detailed, but short and straight to the point, manner. I've basically given up on T/O's play tester at the moment.
- Post how Phyrexian Unlife contributed to the deck.
- What deck this one was facing.
- What really helped this deck out.
- What really didn't.
- The issues and struggles this deck faced.
- How it lost or how it won.
I'm also considering Infral's sugggestion for putting Rite of Consumption in this deck, by replacing Guul Draz Vampire with it and putting in one or two more lands. Thoughts?
Femme_Fatale says... #3
Thanks a lot for the play-test! I'm glad Phyrexian Unlife was useful here, YAY!
A few things to note, Vampire Lacerator only hits me for one when I have more than 10 life. Doesn't really change anything in that situation because if I didn't have Phyrexian Unlife I would've lost. Also, Phyrexian Unlife doesn't prevent me from going below 0 life, which means I can go to like -10 life. Which is useful because of Death's Shadow .
Rite of Consumption is here to use with Death's Shadow . Chucking an (at minimum) 6/6 at my opponent for for 6 damage seems to be really useful. It means I can have an extremely high pay-out of damage without leaving me open.
Now because of your play-test, I'm thinking of leaving in Guul Draz Vampire , but just putting in 2 Rite of Consumption s. Your play-test made me realize that it would be a dead card in any situation in which I didn't have Death's Shadow for the insta-kill. I would be only putting in one land as well. I'll take out an Inquisition of Kozilek , an Abrupt Decay , an Angel's Grace , and a Guul Draz Vampire for a Swamp , an Orzhov Charm , and 2 Rite of Consumption s.
Still open to play-testing, just let me know Rite of Consumption is working well enough or should be left out entirely, or if I need to change my card numbers around.
I also just realized that I am weak against aggro, so I put in Golgari Charm in replace of Abrupt Decay , and put Abrupt Decay in the sideboard in replace of Krosan Grip . Once again, let me know how these cards work out
November 27, 2013 7:34 p.m.
Femme_Fatale says... #4
Check that, re-main-boarded Abrupt Decay and put Golgari Charm in the side.
November 27, 2013 7:40 p.m.
miracleHat says... #5
I was playing deck-large: Devotion to Protein against your deck and that was a problem for your deck. Each time I playtested, i kept mulliganing until i got unlife and then i played. The unlife was very good, until Protean Hulk was sacrified and i really don't care how much damage you can prevent. 7 discard spells was way to many, try 4. too much removal, drop the charm. Wait, is the charm meant to bring back your dead one drops? shoot. It lost to god knows how much mana and two behemoths swinging at you. You won 1 time because (as you envisioned), two 12/12 Death's Shadow = problem for mono green. Your deck isn't bad (not even close), but there is something missing that i can't seem to think of.
November 27, 2013 8:32 p.m.
Femme_Fatale says... #6
Thanks for the play-test Droxium. I don't really mulligan too much, probably at most to 5, because I really dislike the lack of hand and I usually lose when I do mulligan.
I'm really glad Phyrexian Unlife was good, it will stay and I'm happy for that.
Mono-green ramp was always a deck mine hated. There was another one that I just couldn't beat and that was GREEN!!!!! (Turn 3 Win), all because I have little to no answers to a massive creature without any drawbacks on myself. Also hexproof was a problem. Which is why I hope my addition of Golgari Charm in the side will help. The regenerate should help me prevent damage for a few more turns till I get my Death's Shadow out and kicking.
The amount of discard I can agree to an extent. I always want a turn one discard spell to play, and a turn two is nice to have as I already know if I want to use it then or not. It does however get annoying later on when I get discard and no removal or creature. I'll put it down to 6 and see how that works.
I can easily describe what this deck lacks, and that is the lack of a reliability. I don't have a reliable damage or blocker base as Death's Shadow is my only powerful creature. My control is all situational, I don't have something that can answer anything whenever I want like blue does. And to top it off, I have no form of tutoring for when I absolutely need something right then and there, or for when I need a certain piece to complete a combo.
The only form of tutor that would do well in this deck is Spoils of the Vault , but that is a very costly card and could end up making me lose the moment I play it. So I run Dark Confidant , not as effective as a tutor, but the additional draw each turn really helps me out.
Once again, thanks for the play-test~
November 27, 2013 9:21 p.m.
Femme_Fatale says... #7
Should I remove a Thoughtseize or an Inquisition of Kozilek ? And if I do, what should I replace? I can add any one of these: Guul Draz Vampire , Path to Exile , Abrupt Decay or Angel's Grace .
For the moment I think Angel's Grace is my best bet because it helps against aggro and ramp. Which is what this deck is weak against. Anyone else however may provide a counter-argument to change try and change my mind.
November 27, 2013 9:28 p.m.
Femme_Fatale says... #8
Wait a minute ... pingpongball120 you were right in the beginning ... why the hell did I think that Vampire Lacerator applied to me and not my opponent ... oh well, this changes how I play-test from now on though.
pingpongball120 says... #2
Game 1- We both keep hands and you DO have Phyrexian Unlife in your hand. And you win the dice roll.You start with a swamp and thoughtseize, seizing my lighting bolt :( (You: 18, Me: 20)I play a mountain and pass (I was stupid for keeping this hand and am realizing that now).
You play marsh flats, search for a swamp (You already have a shrine in hand), you play a Lacerator and Guul Draz Vampire and pass (You: 16, Me: 20)I play clifftop retreat and pass (Keep drawing lands grrrr)
You play marsh flats, search for a swamp and take a life from the Lacerator (You: 15, Me: 20)You play a dark confidant, attack for 3 and pass (You: 15, Me: 20)End of your turn I play lightning helix targeting you (You: 12, Me: 23).I lava spike you, play a mountain, and pass (More lands... You: 9, Me: 23)
You lose a life from thought seize (You: 8, Me: 23), you lose a life from the lacerator (You: 7, Me: 23)You have a godless shrine, shock yourself, and play Pyrexian Unlife (You: 5, Me: 23)You have one thoughtseize in hand and that's it, I've decided to save it for after you're at 0 or less life, I have 4 cards in hand. You attack for 5 and pass. (You: 5, Me: 18)End of your turn I incinerate you for 3, (You: 2, Me: 18)I now have all lands in hand and can't topdeck anything, the only thing that can save me is the confidant and my draws.
You lose a life from the lacerator and the confidant gives you another lacerator, you are now at 0 life and are alive because of unlife. You thoughtseize me, laugh at my land hand and lose nothing. Play the lacerator, attack for 5 and pass. (You: 0 life, 0 infect, Me: 13)Another mountain, kill me please.
Your confidant gives you a koilos and you have abrupt decay and just drew Inquisition. You attack for 7 and I'm down to 6 life and 1 draw. You play the land and kozliek, laugh again at my lands and pass. I topdeck another mountain (that's 4 straight) and cry that I have just lost, one top deck would've saved me but that's that. You win with 0 life and 0 infect.
-So, Phyrexian Unlife was the reason you won the game. -Here's the deck you were playing -What helped you was the lacerator's, the unlife (obviously), and the confidant. -What didn't or wouldn't have done much was abrupt decay, didn't see any green mana. Probably could've searched for an overgrown tomb early but whatever. -The deck had no real problems due to the fact that I kept a 4 land hand and drew only 2 nonland cards. However, without unlife it was my game.-You won with the lacerator and unlife, you were able to stall through my burn long enough and was able to win through combat.
Rite of Consumption is an odd card, it doesn't do a whole lot due to the fact that you have lots of 1 and 2 power creatures (that I saw at least), and with Guul Draz you would've granted me a couple extra draws.
Anyway, I like the deck, +1 from me, hope this helped!
November 27, 2013 6:35 p.m.