Playing this deck at FNM tonight. Feedback needed!
Deck Help forum
Posted on March 14, 2014, 12:40 p.m. by brownkidd
As you can read in the deck's description, I'm torn between a few different options and could really use some sideboard help. I'm also not sure if I need the full 24 lands. Thanks in advance.
Rakdos Suicide Squad Playtest
SCORE: 1 | 0 COMMENTS | 3 VIEWSI'd actually intended on Desecration Demon originally, but there's a lot of R/G monsters in my meta and people would just be sacking Satyr tokens to keep him tapped all day. Still thinking of putting him in though since the deck has a lot of frail bodies. What should I sub out?
March 14, 2014 1:18 p.m.
InnerFlame says... #4
I play G/R and sacking those satyrs are annoying lol. and if they eventually run out and you can swing with'll be swinging for a lot of crap load of damage haha. I am terrified of playing against it. I would hate to mess with the theme of the deck of get in and out fast so probably Pain Seer . Or even Herald of Torment .
March 14, 2014 1:41 p.m.
If you want a 27/27 creature as early as turn 3, these cards are really cheap. Wordmail + Our Market Research Shows That Players Like Really and always get a good laugh at the table before inevitably getting killed off. Still fun.
March 14, 2014 2:17 p.m.
Oops! That last comment was for another thread. How do I delete it!?
March 14, 2014 2:17 p.m.
InnerFlame says... #7
I'm not sure if you can center thread comments. I know if your a member you can sheets comments from your deck list.
InnerFlame says... #2
Like to see Desecration Demon or even Master of Cruelties , but depending on your local competition, you should do alright. Main board Dreadbore for sure.
March 14, 2014 1:06 p.m.