Playtesters Unite!

Deck Help forum

Posted on Nov. 30, 2013, 9:42 p.m. by eleet5

First of all you all are a great group of people whom has helped me tons in my short mtg career. My boros aggro has undergone quite a change since I last went to FNM and I havnt been able to attend these past few weeks as I've been busy with work. I would greatly appreciate those who have extra time to playtest my deck and tell me your thoughts on its strengths and weaknesses and what could be changed to better adapt to the meta.

My local meta seems to run the usual MUD/Esper/ Rdw that you typically see so info how on I do against them would be tremendously helpful when I do have some spare time to attend.

Boros Eleet


P.S.Did I mention how cool you guys are? :)

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