Playtesters Wanted!!
Deck Help forum
Posted on Nov. 23, 2013, 1:53 p.m. by strateupjee
So my Mono-Black Control (Mono Black Devotion Control) has yet to be playtested in it's current form, and I would really like to see how it stacks up against all forms of decks. Obviously if you have a tier one deck, please let me know where my weaknesses were because this is a competitive deck, however I am not picky and run up against just as many jank and entry level decks, so all playtesters are welcome!
Playtested 3 games against my eleet boros 1st game you mana struggled which costed you even though you started with 2 lands. Game 2 I slowly chipped you down with Hopeful Eidolon and small creatures while slowly healing and you paying life for your draw spells. Game 3 I did the same as game 2 but you pulled out Desecration Demon but was answered by my Banisher Priest , you spent removal for early threats then ran out, whilst using draw spells for more cards eventually killing yourself.
Now I'm no pro mono black player but from what I see, you have too many draw spells I felt like I'm giving away free life because I'm using draw spells to draw even more draw spells andnot enough answers to my small guys. I didn't get to beef up my Fabled Hero or anything. It was ultimately you killing yourself and me just slowly chipping you down.
Hope this helps~
strateupjee says... #2
Oh man that isn't mine, mine is actually Mono-Black Devotion Control (Feedback Please!)... Sorry!
November 23, 2013 2:30 p.m.