Please help me with my manabase!
Deck Help forum
Posted on April 4, 2013, 3:12 p.m. by My_ppl_eat_dogs
I'm terrible at putting my lands in. If anyone can help that be great! Also any advice for the deck would be appreciated too! Jund Aggro
Please help me with my manabase!
I'm terrible at putting my lands in. If anyone can help that be great! Also any advice for the deck would be appreciated too! Jund Aggro
Rayenous says... #2
Using Tappedout's deck builder, you can see a pie chart on the right of the deck's main page.
The quickest way to approach getting a mana base is to aim for the same inner circle (mana) as the outer circle (spells).
If cost is not an issue, start with 4x of each of the appropriate Shock-lands (unless early life-loss is detrimental to your deck), and possibly 4x of each tap-land (unless first turn land coming into play tapped is detrimental to your deck).
If you use close to 24x of these dual lands, there is generally no need to adjust closer to the pie chart because each color is able to be produced by 2/3 of your lands.
If you do not go with as many dual lands simply adjust your lands until you have the inner and outer circles of the chart to be close.
You can then adjust slightly to favour early mana for colors that you have a lower CMC for, in order to ensure you have the right mana for your T1, and T2 drops, or you can adjust towards having a slight favor towards colors for which you need multiple of one colour. (example: If you rely on Predator Ooze , you might want to have a slight lean towards a few extra green producers.)
Other cards and effects can make you consider adjusting differently as well... usually these are mana fixers, such as Arbor Elf , for which you want additional forests, or Farseek , which may let you put in less of some land types.
April 4, 2013 3:28 p.m.