Please help, new to Modern
Deck Help forum
Posted on Jan. 28, 2014, 10:25 p.m. by tman007
I'm thinking of eventually getting into Modern and investing in a good deck, but I need to make the deck actually good. It's right here:
Convokin' on that Good Saproling Playtest
SCORE: 0 | 0 COMMENTS | 13 VIEWS. It tries to make a whole bunch of tokens and buff them and then maybe tap them to convoke cast an Autochthon Wurm , or just overrun them. Is this viable? please help. Thanks!
xlaleclx It seems to be holding up fairly well in testing, it mostly just overruns them with Hero of Bladehold and the Elspeths. I would rather improve this deck to a point where it can compete fairly well than just net deck a Pod or Jund or Twin or something deck.
January 29, 2014 12:29 a.m.
Right now, it's just an awkward version of B/W Tokens, but with a higher mana curve, and can't win on turn four before it gets hit by All Is Dust , Supreme Verdict , etc.
Check out this deck for an example. I think you could have a successful G/W Token deck, but you should really rethink some of your card choices. Why play Scatter the Seeds when you can play Raise the Alarm ? Or Conclave Phalanx , instead of the faster and more resilient Auriok Champion ? These are just a few examples of some things you could easily change to improve your deck's speed and consistency.
Convoke isn't a good mechanic to build an entire deck around because of the presence of Pyroclasm in the format.
xlaleclx says... #2
If you want to make an actual good deck that will be a worthwhile investment then that's definitely not a good deck to make. Definitely not a viable deck in a competitive modern environment.
January 29, 2014 12:22 a.m.