PLEASE help Zombie-Mill EDH
Deck Help forum
Posted on Dec. 18, 2013, 11:29 p.m. by s0ak
Hi, playgroup has switched to EDH, they have a lot of time to practice and refine and I want to stay competitive in group play. Trying to create a Zombie Mill deck at least to start but open to suggestions.I like control, to be able to counter, destroy or exile. I like hex-proof and death-touch on my creatures. Please help with what you see or ideas you have to cut this down.PS if i should be linking please tell me howPSS "x " means I do not have the card if not then I do.
Creatures(Zombie)x Withered Wretch
x Soulless Onex Diregraf Captainx Ghoulraiserx Skaab Goliathx Undead Warchiefx Bone Dancerx Coffin Queenx Entrails Feasterx Gempalm Polluterx Gravespawn Sovereignx Phylactery Lichx Zombie Trailblazerx Lord of the Undeadx Stronghold Assassinx Undead Alchemistx Vengeful Pharaohx Fleshbag Marauderx Stromgald Crusaderx Plaguebearerx Nested Ghoulx Stitched Drakex Cemetery Reaperx Mikaeus, the Unhallowedx Death Baronx Corpse Harvesterx Fatestitcherx Geth, Lord of the Vaultx Lich Lord of Unxx Nightscape Familiarx Unbreathing Hordex Unliving Psychopathx Gravecrawlerx Helldozerx Skinrenderx Vengeful deadWalking CorpseLiliana"s ReaverReturned CentaurPolluted DeadReturned PhalanxWight of Precinct SixRotcrown Ghoulx Grimgrin, the corpse-borne
x Butcher of Malakirx Szadek, Lord of Secretsx Crypt of AgadeemGatekeeper of MalakirButcher of MalakirSengir VampireDark ImpostorBalustrade SpyVampire NighthawkDuskmantle ProwlerDriver of the Dead
(Other)x Nemesis of Reasonx Sygg, River Cutthroatx Ink-Eyes, Servant of Onix Extractor Demonx Avatar of Woex Dreadx Wrexial, the Risen Deepx Lazav, Dimir Mastermindx Lim-Dul the Necromancerx Lord of the VoidHaunter of NightveilConsuming AberrationShipwreck SingerDuskmantle GuildmageHorizon ScholarStern MentorGalvanic AlchemistTriton Fortune HunterTriton ShorethiefPrescient ChimeraArtisan of FormsInvisible StalkerLatch SeekerWall of FrostElgaud ShieldmateWindreader SphinxBog RatsRavenous RatsKeepsake GorgonDuskhunter BatLiliana's ShadeTormented HeroAgent of the FatesKnight of InfamyServant of NefaroxBlightcasterBane Ally BlackguardDisciple of PhenaxCorpse HaulerHarvester of SoulsOrge SlumlordReassembling SkeletonInsatiable HarpySmog ElementalScroll ThiefBenthic GiantArchaeomancerQuicksilver GargantuanMindshriekerWarden of Evos IsleVedalken EntrancerNephalia SmugglerJace's PhantasmMnemonic WallPrognostic Sphinxx Szadek, lord of secretsx Nemesis of Reasonx Sewer Nemesisx Grimgrin, the corpse-bornex Scrib Nibblersx Sheoldred, Whispering One
(Artifact)x Eldrazi Monumentx Adaptive Automatonx Coat of Armsx Caged Sunx Akroma's Memorialx Door of Destiniesx Witchbane Orbx Sol Ringx AEther Vialx Nim Deathmantlex Lightning Greavesx Thran DynamoCobbled WingsBladed BracersFleetfeather SandalsMask of AvacynKeening StoneFlint GolemHaunted Plate MailColossus of AkrosProwler's HelmButcher's CleaverGuardians of MeletisDimir CluestoneCellar DoorLiving ArmorJinxed IdolFireshriekerHaunted GuardianBurnished HartCodex ShredderDimir KeyruneStaff of the Death Magus
(Land)x Tectonic Edgex Halimar Depthsx Drowned Catacombx Dimir Aqueductx Crypt of Agadeemx Command Towerx Boseiju, Who Shelters Allx Frost Marshx Dreadship Reefx Darkslick Shoresx Creeping Tar Pitx Cabal Coffersx Bojuka Bogx Cavern of Soulsx Unholy Grottox Crypt of AgadeemNykthos, Shrine to Nyxx Nephalia Drownyard
(SORCERY)x Army of the Damnedx Zombie Apocalypsex Barter in Bloodx Victimize x Syphon Fleshx Feeding Frenzyx Profane Commandx Rite of Replicationx Call to the Gravex Dark Ritualx Increasing Ambitionx Grim Tutorx Demonic Tutorx Damnationx Beseech the Queenx Reanimatex Rise from the Gravex Revive the FallenPilfered PlansMind GrindMind FuneralGlimpse the UnthinkablePsychic IntrusionAssassin's StrikeExsanguinateMarch of the ReturnedEssence HarvestGrave ExchangeMind RotDuressMoan of the UnhallowedDiabolic TutorDecomposeLiturgy of BloodKilling WaveGhoulcaller's ChantAppetite for BrainsBone SplintersMind SculptTome ScourIncreasing ConfusionHidden Strings Curse of the SwineDivinationDreadwatersx Traumatizex Memory Sluicex Damnationx Telemin Performancex Life's Finalex Beacon of Unrest
(ENCHANTMENT)x Death Pit Offeringx Cover of Darknessx Endless Ranks of the Deadx Gate to Phyrexiax Grave Pactx Oversold Cemeteryx Quest for the GravelordTriumph of CrueltyTorturePredator's GambitEnfeeblementViper's KissMark of the VampireArtificer's HexUnholy StrengthDying WishDead WeightDark FavorScourgemarkUnhallowed PactOrdeal of ErebosCurse of the Bloody TomeGhostly TouchAqueous FormOrdeal of ThassaJace's ErasurePropagandax Rooftop Stormx Endless Ranks of the DeadLeyline of the Voidx Bloodchief Ascension
(Enchantment Creature)Baleful EidolonCavern LampadNighthowlerThassa"s EmissaryNimbus NaiadErebos's Emissary
(INSTANTS)Psychic StrikeDark BetrayalVampire's BiteLash of the WhipFatal FumesVile RebirthMurderGrisly SpectacleVictim of NightDeath WindBoon of ErebosRescue from the UnderworldNecrobiteHero's DownfallUrge to FeedDream TwistThought ScourMizzium SkinQuickenTriton TacticsHydrosurgeDissolveCancelAnnulNegateEssence ScatterSecond Guessx Archive Trapx Induce Paranoia
(PLANESWALKERS)Jace, Memory AdeptAshiok, Nightmare Weaver
SOME cards may not be in the correct place, and ones that are not mentioned please suggest.
Thank you for your help and I look forward to the process!