please let me know what you think of this

Deck Help forum

Posted on Nov. 15, 2013, 3:23 a.m. by abenz419

ok I'm thinking about taking this to FNM tonight and I wanted to get some last minute thoughts and ideas about it. I haven't played the deck other than playtesting on cockatrice. It's done pretty well, my most difficult games have been against control or if I draw a slower playable hand and run into a quick more aggressive deck. Also I need some help for putting together a sideboard. At my local LGS last week the most prevalent decks were G/R monsters, Mono-black, and white weanies. Thanks for the help

deck chart scavenging through the graveyard

Standard abenz419 Playtest

+1. It is focused, if thats what you like and what you have, go for it. I would sideboard these cards or maybe even main certain ones if you can: Naturalize , Mistcutter Hydra , Fade into Antiquity , Lifebane Zombie , Hero's Downfall , Ultimate Price , Duress , & Thoughtseize . Go have fun and learn what you need to take out or side or main.

November 15, 2013 3:47 a.m.

abenz419 says... #3

Thanks a lot. In play testing it I've had some really good games with it and some where it just stumbles over itself so I know it needs a little tweaking, but I do like it. I like how everything works together and with it all on the board things get out of hand quick. But I also like how I don't need everything on the board for it to be effective. Thanks for the sideboard advise as well.

November 15, 2013 3:56 a.m.

abenz419 says... #4

oh one quick thing, do you have any suggestions for the number of each I should run in the sideboard. I have Mistcutter Hydra , Fade into Antiquity , Ultimate Price , and probably Dark Betrayal (for matchups against black multicolor spells when doom blade and ultimate price are both useless) and Duress I could put in there of the cards you have mentioned.

November 15, 2013 4:01 a.m.

3x Mistcutter Hydra at least. great against mono blue. you already have Golgari Charm which can take away gods and elementals, instead of Naturalize if you liked the Golgari Charm ,definitely side more. for black matchups conside more Abrupt Decay or even some Putrefy . Everything else you should base on your comfort level. Theres plenty of people with more knowledge than me but they may not be awake at this time. Sorry this is my best advice I can give you without screwing up or resetting your deck.

November 15, 2013 4:09 a.m.

abenz419 says... #6

I already have 4 putrefy in the deck so I still have removal if I run into a mono black or orzhov matchup, because the Doom Blade is useless there. So i'll have to add Dark Betrayal in my sideboard for those. I'll also have to put in Fade into Antiquity because the charms don't deal with the gods since they're indestructible. I've thought about putting the charms into the sideboard because they're really best against red matchups for Anger of the Gods and overloaded Mizzium Mortars to save my creatures from board wipes, or against esper/orzhov decks that run Elspeth to deal with her tokens, or for the Supreme Verdict wipe. Not exactly sure what I would put in the mainboard in place of them yet though. Then again, they do give me a mainboard solution to the god weapons which are pretty much in every deck so I may just keep them there. I have some ideas for the sideboard though so I'm gonna go update it.

November 15, 2013 10:25 a.m.

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