Please playtest my Standard deck and give feedback!
Deck Help forum
Posted on May 1, 2013, 2:02 p.m. by Apoptosis
I've been tweaking my Naya midrange deck and am looking for some feedback/help: Angels from above.
It's a non-traditional build that uses Descendants' Path and Somberwald Sage to go through the deck faster and drop angels quickly. I've tweaked it to provide more protection for my creatures. I think the main deck would match up well against other midrange and control type decks. The sideboard is for aggro. Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Please playtest it and let me know how it matched up against your deck. I'm considering whether it would be viable at my local store where the competition is very solid and they know all of the traditional top net decks. I'm trying to do something a little different here. Thanks again! -Apop.
I'll playtest for sure! I love to playtest! I'll give you the results on your deck page when finished :P.
May 1, 2013 4:06 p.m.
i do respect originality though cudos. maybe turn this into an echantments deck ti go along with Descendants' Path . Run Sphere of Safety and Ethereal Armor and Blind Obedience and stuff like that. the Sphere will be great to slow everyone down. Also try thoughing Nevermore in the sideboard to get rid of pesky cards. Pithing Needle for planeswalkers, Oblivion Ring for everything. and maybe some land enchantments like Verdant Haven or Abundant Growth
DarkHero says... #2
aggro will wreak it. the removal in the sideboard is a good defense against it, but even with the ramp, it still takes a while to play anything. Witchbane Orb really belongs in the sideboard. Any enchantment destruction pretty much ruins your fun. Having made Descendants' Path decks before, its more of a gimmick than it is a serious deck strategy. Once you have the path out. you better top deck something that works with it, or otherwise you just throwing stuff from the top to the bottom of your deck. Occasionally it'll work really well and you'll go from a Slumbering Dragon to an Utvara Hellkite / Balefire Dragon very quickly, but usually you will just be hoping and praying while being forced to ditch stuff you would have needed. Especially with Angels because there is no Angel card that you can play early, unless you use Call To Serve to make your mana dorks into angels themselves, which I think sounds like a fun idea. Then on turn 3 when you have the mana to cast the path, you have an angel out there already. Gets the fun started a little faster if it pans out.
May 1, 2013 3:58 p.m.