Point me to a new deck!

Deck Help forum

Posted on Nov. 2, 2013, 12:54 a.m. by Vindemiatrixx

So after finalizing my current standard deck, I feel like I want to go ahead and make something possibly better, of course the deck needs to be FNM worthy but NOT I repeat NOT Esper Control or G/R, those decks are way out of hand in my meta and I don't exactly want to join the crowd. Im thinking semi budget, nothing massive like a 400$ decklist, something more along the lines of 200-250$ ish dollars, the cheaper and more effective the better!

If you want to check out my current deck here is the link! Tread with Caution (1st place FNM) it already has won 2 tourneys in a row so something new needs to come out of the woodwork!

Some side notes, im thinking about going Golgari for the lovely Vraska the Unseen and all the nice kill spells or Orzhov with Obzedat, Ghost Council but idk how it would fare in tourney since my meta is literally all Esper or U/W or G/R Mono-Red. Hit this forum up with links to your decks, ideas for decks, as well as the reason you selected the type of deck! Lets see what is out there!

Seten says... #2

Hey. Mai boros. Halp pelz. FAST BOROS LEGIONS :D thanks

November 2, 2013 1 a.m.

Vindemiatrixx says... #3

This isn't a thread to help other decks out, more so to suggest different types of decks that do well in current standard format. However, ill take a look and see what I come up with. Needing suggestions on types of decks or links to completed decks or deck ideas

November 2, 2013 1:03 a.m.

maxon says... #4

i've been using the mono blue game. i tweaked it a bit to suit my area, this is how i'm playing it: My Ocean Game ..it's still fast, but its not the typical "aggro" so it's more interesting to me. it'd be right at the top of your budget if you want to run the full 4 of master and thassa, but thassa is so good. scry every turn, i love it.

November 2, 2013 1:08 a.m.

Azure124 says... #5

The Devouted of Heliod is the deck i play at my fnm's i have won 2/3 that i played in with it, my meta is more aggro filled but it does well against esper and mono black after you learn to mulligan well with it

November 2, 2013 1:20 a.m.

raithe000 says... #6

Bantron Hexproof is my first competitive Standard deck. It's pretty fast, but the non-interactivity may turn some people off.

November 2, 2013 1:24 a.m.

Vindemiatrixx says... #7

@ maxon Not really into the blue devotion decks, they are too easy to shut down from what I have seen, once Master of Waves dies, its pretty much GG. Also Ratchet Bomb tears it apart as well as Golgari Charm looking for something a little more complex and less open to wipes or limited win-cons. Other than that I love the deck and the idea, just not my cup of tea.

@ Azure124 I had a similar deck before and they run well, but they are very easily disrupted and typically can't survive mid/late game, very reliant on winning as fast as possible. With decks like my current one playing 4/4's on T3 followed by 5/5's with trample they just aren't that effective.

@ Bantron Hexproof this is slightly more of the direction, I like the hexproof thing but Supreme Verdict and other cards like Celestial Flare maybe some protection against cards like this and it would be awesome, I did see an Aura deck that was pretty awesome running a similar plan to this, never gave it a shot on paper copy though

For future replies, I want to stay within 2 colors, I absolutely hate running more because your stuck having to either shock yourself to death to have mana ready or use a bunch of tapped lands, which is a losing battle. I am starting to like G/B or the Pack Rat Mono-black decks, but still could use some suggestions!

November 2, 2013 4:21 a.m.

I've had some success with my deck Heros of Sparta. W/U heroic. I've gotten top 8 last few times I ran it.

November 2, 2013 5:44 a.m.

you could try my

deck chart master of the maze

Standard* bantam1234 Playtest

November 2, 2013 7:41 a.m.

This discussion has been closed