Pokemon Deck (Evolve/Undying) Help
Deck Help forum
Posted on May 28, 2013, 12:11 p.m. by Cobthecobbler
So, my Gotta Catch 'em All! - Pokemon never die. deck has been very well-received on the site, and it has gotten a ton of attention over the past couple months.
Well, about a month ago, I finally got the deck together in real life, every card, and now I have a favor to ask.
After a lot of playtesting, the deck performs very well. The problem is, I'm playtesting casually. So here's what I ask of you guys:
Can you:
- Playtest against more competitive decks for me
- Give me suggestions on how to make the deck more consistent, and way more competitive. I've been thinking of splashing white for Cloudshift and Restoration Angel among other things, so keep that in mind.
If anyone comments on the decklist with a detailed enactment of their playtest with some constructive criticism, I will personally +1 and provide some criticism on the deck they playtested with, if it was theirs. If that's not the case, link me to a deck you want help with and I will be more than happy to help you out. You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours.
I really want this deck to be better than my Blood of the Night v2 deck, which is very very efficient, but boring in execution sometimes. I much prefer playing my pokemon deck because, while it doesn't always win (usually wins 75% of the time), it's extremely fun to play, and the look on your opponents face when my Master Biomancer is paired with Wolfir Silverheart and then I drop another Biomancer is just priceless. And I mean MasterCard priceless. Hot damn.
Thanks for checking out this thread, I hope you guys will help me and let me help you. Cheers.