Polukranos, World Eater and Dreg Mangler

Deck Help forum

Posted on Sept. 23, 2013, 4:39 p.m. by IonImplant

I drew 2X Polukranos, World Eater at the prelaunch this weekend. I am considering adding it to Ryan's Golgari FNM M14 but I don't see what it would replace. I won't blindly add it based on it's current value. It seems the Monstrosity is quite expensive and Desecration Demon is a better card with more power for same mana and can create it's own counters each turn. Corpsejack Menace is important to this deck to double counters. The addition of Scavenging Ooze means I will be dumping mana towards his ability if not using it for the scavenge that Varolz, the Scar-Striped brings.

Am I missing something? It is a 5/5 for 4 mana with some extra but not sure it fits my application.

Maybe I just WANT to need Theros cards.

Also, I made room for Scavenging Ooze by dropping Dreg Mangler and kept Witchstalker . I gave up the haste for the hexproof (based on local meta) and ability to generate counters. Mangler's scavenge never gets played because it is too costly.

Thoughts on this as well?

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