Post Rotation control

Deck Help forum

Posted on Sept. 15, 2013, 4:52 p.m. by heartnet2034

Im looking to make a control deck, I have plenty of cards for it just not the mind for it, I have RTR, Gatecrash, and Dragons maze also M14, need some suggestions, dont really care on color or mechanic, just having some deck builders block.

gacde says... #2

Well, first thing to do would be to do decide what colors you want to use. There's Red/Blue/White, Blue/White, Blue/White/Black, Red/Black/Blue. Once you've decided, I would suggest searching for some deck lists on this site, or even just search on Google! My personal opinion is Blue/White/Black is the best. Some of the cards are expensive, but it's a very good color scheme. Hope this helps! :)

September 15, 2013 6:18 p.m.

heartnet2034 says... #3

@gacde, every little bit helps, I just need to sit down and look at my options which is overwhelming when you have so many!

September 15, 2013 6:36 p.m.

Well, I've played Esper control since Gatecrash, and it's certainly looking good - Sphinx's Revelation , Detention Sphere , Azorius Charm , Supreme Verdict , Thoughtseize , Far / Away , etc.

However the manabase looks to be shaky as you will have 4-6 Temples that ETB tapped, and most of your other lands will shock you, so I am moving away from Esper, and UWR for the same reason. Here are the options I see:

UW control. It has some of the best cards, but I really don't like the fact that it doesn't have any good early game interaction outside of Azorius Charm . I'll pass on UW, but it could be a thing if it runs a bunch of Essence Scatter and Syncopate to survive vs aggro.

UR control. Seriously! With Anger of the Gods , Turn / Burn , Lightning Strike , Magma Jet , Steam Augury , AEtherling , etc., UR is actually looking quite nice.

And finally, my choice, UB control. Warped Physique , Doom Blade , Dissolve , Essence Scatter , Syncopate , Thoughtseize , Read the Bones , Opportunity , UB is looking pretty insane.

September 16, 2013 4:16 a.m.

heartnet2034 says... #5

@detentionsphere, thank you for the feed back, thats the kind of explanation I was looking for, I knew that some of the three color controls were going to be a bit more difficult to pull off in theros

September 16, 2013 12:42 p.m.

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