post rotation gruul

Deck Help forum

Posted on Aug. 12, 2013, 12:16 a.m. by pokeyrabbit

i was just looking at the and wondering if gruul aggro could be a thing post rotation. thank you. i know we don't have theros yet but besides that.

Izanagi_Deus says... #2

I think it's still likely to be a fairly viable deck, without having seen anything from Theros. Regardless of what type of dual land they print, two-color decks should still be fairly manageable and I think Gruul still will have the capability for explosive starts.

T1: Forest or Stomping Ground , Elvish Mystic

T2: Land, 3-drop or Kalonian Tusker and a 1-drop or Burning-Tree Emissary chained into more stuff...

Add in the typical Ghor-Clan Rampager shenanigans and you've got a good start. There should be a useful enough variety of burn spells and a variety of tasty creatures with which to work. With all that said, there's no guarantee of it producing a top-tier deck, but a very playable one I can say with confidence should exist. As always, the cards printed will determine just how good it can be, but it's got a healthy start.

August 12, 2013 1:01 a.m.

Phoder1 says... #3

I already Updated my deck to theros, but changing the style a bit, from R/G swarm deck into burst beast monster trample deck, with armed//dangerous; Spire Tracer ; Flesh//Blood; Phytoburst ; Madcap Skills ; TONS OF BLOODRUSHS, makes into a nice burst power deck that can finish games in turn 4, the deck looks weird and not competitive wise, but remember I had to cut away very important cards like Rancor ... but we still have the core left like: Rakdos Cackler ; Burning-Tree Emissary ; Ghor-Clan Rampager ...


September 12, 2013 9:26 a.m.

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