Post Theros Rakdos Aggro/Burn
Deck Help forum
Posted on Sept. 19, 2013, 12:27 a.m. by rakdosrunner
My deck NOPENOPENOPENOPE! (Post-Theros-Rotation) is my baby. I feel I have an amazing set up for this deck and im stoked to put it into play.
The idea is simple. Let me throw out a couple scenarios for you. And some generalities.
T1- Rakdos Cackler T2- Spike Jester swing for 5 then use burn spells for removal or finishers as you throw out your extra creatures. Just keep swinging.
Late game scenairos include the tymaret, murder king and Act of Treason . I love this because you take their creatures attack them with it, then sacrifice it for more damage and they lose a creature lol
On top of the tymaret, murder king you throw out Underworld Cerberus to bring back all the low drops you sack then its just damage damage damage.
Of course Desecration Demon is a constant creature removal or an easy 6 in the air turn 5!!!
Let me know what you think on the deck page and +1 if you like it.