Pre-Modern Green Stompy
Deck Help forum
Posted on Feb. 27, 2021, 8:57 p.m. by Genderfluidia
Hello, I have a bunch of pre-modern decks, and my Mono-green Stompy deck is really lacking with it's creatures. Every time I go looking for good, big creatures I have to slog through miles of modern creatures just to get to one pre-modern creature that isn't quite good enough. I would like to keep it pre-modern so that it matches up with the other decks. I thought I would see if any OG Magic players out there remember some of their favorite vintage green big boys for me. Thanks!
GenericToaster says... #4
This link may help. It's a scryfall search for green cards with cmc 5 or greater that are legal in premodern
February 28, 2021 1:34 a.m.
GenericToaster says... #5
My above comment was wrong, its a search for strictly greater than 5 cmc, not 5 or greater
February 28, 2021 1:39 a.m.
Hi! I love pre-modern EDH decks too! While my deck is mono-black, I definitely know how long it can take to research potential cards! I don't have any suggestions off the bat (I really have only been dipping my toes in Black) but I do have a folder of old-bordered EDH decks: Old-School EDH. Maybe one of those will have some creatures that you would be interested in? I would also love to add any of your decks too, if you want :)
March 1, 2021 7:44 p.m.
Genderfluidia says... #8
Hey, thanks for the love. I don't have any of my pre-modern decks on the site currently, as there isn't a format category for them yet, but hopefully that will change since the format has really been growing. Also, they aren't EDH, just 60 card decks, so I don't know if they would fit in your folder, but maybe I'll make an old-school EDH just for the fun of it, after all I have a lot of old cards just laying around...
March 1, 2021 9:46 p.m.
Ah, gottcha Genderfluidia - I would love to make another collection sometime of 60 card decks too! That would be awesome if they made that a format hub. You sould definitely consider making an Old-School EDH sometime too! It's a lot of fun :)
March 1, 2021 11:48 p.m.
the_solitaire says... #11
Pre-modern is a format that certainly has a lot of appeal to me. I am myself in the process of constructing a pair of pre-modern decks, and revived my old Fires deck of back in 2001.
I also built a pair of decks for Urza Block Constructed, and there are a lot of nice cards in that block to use in a mono-green pre-modern deck too.
Cards you might consider, if those are not in your deck already, are Exploration and Saproling Burst . Blastoderm is another power meanie at 5/5. And even though the Albino Trolls are no big hitters, they are available turn 2 at 3/3 with Regenerate.
Something else that should not be overseen lightly, Treetop Village is a 3/3 creature, as well as a land. With Giant Growth it hits or blocks for 6.
With all that hitting power, there hardly is the need for Verdant Force or Skyshroud Behemoth to be very honest.
legendofa says... #2
Not sure if it's what you're looking for, but I've always liked Silvos, Rogue Elemental .
February 27, 2021 10:03 p.m.