Pro Tour Qualifier HELP?!?!?!?
Deck Help forum
Posted on Jan. 10, 2014, 1:02 p.m. by Names837
I need some quick help with this deck. I had help remaking it last night and the guy that helped me has been playing since Magic started. He also told me not to change the deck at all. What are your guys oppinions on this deck? I am entering in a Pro Tour Qualifier tournament and I know I will not last that long in it but the deck is alot better than what I had in it. So please give me feed back on this deck! I really appreciate it. :D
Ill even post on here how good (or terrible) it did at the PTQ.
Oh. and I can't get a hold of any Nightveil Specter in the little time I have. The same with Desecration Demon .
Names837 says... #2
Sorry for not posting the link. Lol....
Here it is. :P
January 10, 2014 1:02 p.m.