Question for Mono Black Enthusiasts
Deck Help forum
Posted on Oct. 15, 2011, 3:28 p.m. by EazyG
I am currently trying to tweak the sideboard for my deck deck:bringing-the-blackup-mono-black-control. Many individuals are fond of the card Memoricide . I've ran the card before in another deck and unless I was given the first turn, it could never drop quick enough to stop most planeswalkers & mid game bombs. It was too unreliable, which is where hand removal + Surgical Extraction stepped in. With the release of Innistrad came Sever the Bloodline . I find this card to be very intriguing. Black's version of Oblivion ring + a situational card that can devastate opponents with tokens. Personally I like this card a heck of a lot more than Memoricide even though it is limited only to creatures. Any opinions on this Sever the Bloodline vs Memoricide discussion?
I think that Sever the Bloodline can be a decent card depending on the meta, but not better than Memoricide . I know that Memoricide can be slow, but it actually gets cards out of their deck, instead of just a cheap and incredibly limited board wipe. If you feel that Memoricide isn't effective enough for you, then the discard -> Surgical Extraction method might be better for you.
October 15, 2011 11:55 p.m.
No, Memoricide is never a mainboard card and I don't know why you would do that. First of all, you don't know what they have exactly and even if you do, you should play pro-actively rather than re-actively. If you want to run [Memoricide]] then run it sideboard. Sever the Bloodline and Memoricide do two very different things and should not be compared. If you run 25 lands then you can run 1x Sever the Bloodline mainboard. At this point in time, mono black control isn't strong enough to rely mostly on discard and library removal. Also, mono black control is not tier 1 in this meta, but mono black infect can do real good in big tournaments. While most normal decks would own mono black infect, Solar Flare and Kessig Wolf Run Ramp get crushed.
bman5604 says... #2
depends on meta. I personally wouldn't run either and just use Distress or Despise and then Surgical Extraction there shit because you can.
October 15, 2011 4:54 p.m.