Deck Help forum

Posted on Feb. 7, 2014, 9:01 p.m. by SpaderAce

This is my deck: Oh look, I'm tappedout, BUT WAIT! (Please Feedback, and i need some quick last minute feedback. What is good and what needs to change before tonight? I'm also running Prognostic Sphinx in place of Kalonian Hydra and Rootborn Defenses in place of Polukranos, World Eater . Please help

Jairoe03 says... #2

Personally wouldn't run XWW cards like Archangel of Thune when your deck's primary focus is on green and blue. Mostly just splash the white for 4x Sphinx's Revelation , this will help streamline your deck better if you just limit yourself to Green and Blue from here. Then this also paves the way for cards like Prime Speaker Zegana .

Remove all your white except Sphinx's (15 cards assuming you fully replaced Polukranos with Rootborn Defenses earlier) and readd Polukranos, Kalonian Hydra include 2-3 Prime Speaker for even more draw and that should still leave open 7-8 cards for better midrange cards that you can use to control board and since you generally run midrange in this deck include 2 more lands to promote consistency, I sometimes have a hard time in a fast aggro deck pulling 4 lands etc. you are running a big risk trying to go midrange and running 22 lands even with ramp which can't count for a full mana source because they both need Green to come out (emphasizing green even further). If you want control, throw in 4x Dissipate or Syncopate and try to keep your creature count at around 28 possibly even include cards that do two things at once i.e. Arbor Colossus , Nessian Demolok , Nessian Wilds Ravager etc.

February 7, 2014 9:20 p.m.

xlaleclx says... #3

The white is for the janky combo

February 7, 2014 9:23 p.m.

SpaderAce says... #4

Yeah, what xlaleclx said, but also i've never been mana screwed even with 22 lands. Because, did you know you can shuffle lands and nonlands separately and then push the two piles together and get a perfect distribution of lands to nonlands? That's why i risk the low mana count. Also, as the deck is, i almost NEVER lose to aggro. The only thing i have a problem with is midrange, which is where I need the most help with beating. Control is pretty even, with my sideboard of course. Midrange, though, is what i want the most help against

February 8, 2014 3:39 a.m.

SpaderAce says... #5

Also i have trouble with MBD

February 8, 2014 3:48 a.m.

cr14mson says... #6

"but also i've never been mana screwed even with 22 lands. Because, did you know you can shuffle lands and nonlands separately and then push the two piles together and get a perfect distribution of lands to nonlands?"


February 8, 2014 3:55 a.m.

Jairoe03 says... #7

Trying to combo isn't really a good reason to run particular cards because the likeliness of getting your combo together isn't common or consistent. Think too many of the cards in deck depend on certain other cards on being out in order to make up its cost resulting in an overall inefficient deck. I mean if you think you are fine on 22 land and trying to "perfectly" stack your deck (given they even allow you to, which I'm doubting) so be it, but my suggestion is upping it to 24 lands. You can take it or leave the suggestion but if you want to counter the suggestions then don't really ask for help at all. The deck looks wonky and I doubt it runs smoothly from my perspective and there's reasons why people generally follow the standards (because thousands of other people that have run decks collectively over millions of times can't be wrong?)

February 8, 2014 4:48 a.m.

SpaderAce says... #8

Yes, you can shuffle that way because I asked my judge and he said its ok, he may be wrong when it comes to opens or something, but this is what he told me I can do. Also, since you say take out the Archangel of Thune , should I also take out Fathom Mage and Horizon Chimera and go straight midrange with Kalonian Hydra s and Prime Speaker Zegana ? If that's the best choice, could somebody direct me to a "standard" that "thousands of other people have run?" Because I've never built a satisfactory midrange and maybe it's time to practically netdeck.

February 8, 2014 3:42 p.m.

xlaleclx says... #9

That's illegal and you can get DQ'd from events for it... Your judge needs to learn the rules...

February 8, 2014 6:22 p.m.

cr14mson says... #10

The problem is that you're swapping out your wincon for cards that fulfill other roles. Even your example up top, Sphinx for Hydra and Rootborn for Polukranos. huh?

you're not simply optimizing, you're changing it completely. if I may suggest, it might be faster to just maintain two different decks. GL, HTH

February 8, 2014 6:40 p.m.

Jairoe03 says... #11

I think you missed the point I was making with "thousands of other people can't be wrong". I was purely talking about land count vs mana cost in your deck and it deviated from the norm. And no one said you had to netdeck but I think you needed a more consistent strategy. A common mistake with people needing help with their decks generally is two fold, bad land counts/mana distribution and lack of focus in deck usually trying to have everything in a single deck rather than focusing it along a specific strategy. So I agree, remove the expensive 4 mana cost 1/1's 2/2's etc (unless its Prophet of Kruphix and include cards that stand on their own better and that can usually make more immediate impacts on board rather than require a combo or another set of cards for you to get an actual return on your investment (mana cost-wise)

February 10, 2014 10:39 a.m.

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