Rakdos Aggro -Trying to get FNM ready!
Deck Help forum
Posted on April 6, 2013, 8:29 p.m. by Taytora
2nd deck build ever, 1st rakdos and aggro! Any assistance would be appreciated.
Rakdos Aggro -Trying to get FNM ready!
Trying to keep it to the RTR block for the upcoming rotation, but willing to allow 'wiggle room' here :-)
Thanks in advance!
detentionsphere says... #3
Rakdos, Lord of Riots is terrible. Splatter Thug , Dead Reveler , Hellhole Flailer and Bloodfray Giant are bad.
Cut the Mountains for Rakdos Guildgate s and Swamps (you can't have Ash Zealot and Sign in Blood in the same deck. Cut the Zealots). Add Gravecrawler , Diregraf Ghoul , Geralf's Messenger , and Falkenrath Aristocrat .
Alternatively, go for R splash B. Cut the Swamps for Guildgates and Mountains. Cut the above mentioned cards and instead add Stromkirk Noble , Ash Zealot , Boros Reckoner , and Falkenrath Aristocrat . Maybe a Thundermaw Hellkite or two.
Remember, as Demarge said, there is a lot of time before rotation. If you play mostly RTR cards you will have a very hard time winning. Alternatively, get all these non-RTR cards, win a lot, get packs, and recoup your expenses.
April 7, 2013 12:08 a.m.
detentionsphere: Thanks for the input. Could you please provide some reasoning for me (since I'm still learning)? Specifically, why are the 1st line mentioned cards bad? Thanks!
April 7, 2013 10:35 a.m.
Alright, so staying to the RTR block has more or less been broken. I will say that I probably will not be using Boros Reckoner
or Falkenrath Aristocrat
. Boros because I don't have enough trading power for him right now, and Falkenrath because I think I can get by without.
- Sign in Blood
- Rakdos's Return
- Rakdos, Lord of Riots
- Dead Reveler
- Vampire Nighthawk
- Mugging
- Tragic Slip
Added in the following:
Stromkirk Noble
Lightning Mauler
Rakdos Shred-Freak
Volcanic Strength
Slaughter Games
April 7, 2013 10:36 a.m.
Cryptborn Horror
vs. Hellhole Flailer
(or someone else on the list)?
Legion Loyalist
(for his battalion effect) vs. Stromkirk Noble
April 7, 2013 2:32 p.m.
Alright, forget -let's go for it! (aside from Boros Reckoner
and Thundermaw Hellkite
) . Bring on the suggestions please!!!
Demarge says... #2
You are aware that there is probably more than 30 FNM's before rotation right?
April 6, 2013 10:11 p.m.