Rakdos Creature stealing

Deck Help forum

Posted on Oct. 3, 2012, 4:19 p.m. by meecht

I created an Izzet-themed creature steal deck already, but lately I've been wondering if Rakdos would be a better fit. So, I came up with a Rakdos version I call deck:blood-bending. Any suggestions would be welcomed and appreciated.

The purpose is to steal my opponent's creatures and either Fling them or sac them to Disciple of Griselbrand. Dreadbore and Stab Wounds provide some spot removal, and Wounds gives me a way of dealing constant damage to my opponent. I even can attach Wounds to their creature before they regain control of it, triggering the life loss immediately.

Curse of the Pierced Heart is something I threw in originally when I thought about including Rakdos, but I figured I could keep it in the deck even after Rakdos was removed. With Stab Wounds + Curse, my opponent could be losing 3 life every time it's their turn.

Sideboard is some mass removal, spot removal, and a little bit of zombie hate. Should I swap out Zealous Conscripts for Grafdigger's Cage or Tormod's Crypt so I have more Zombie hate?

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