Rakdos, Lord of Riots
Deck Help forum
Posted on Nov. 20, 2012, 10:01 p.m. by Hydrabeast
Is there any way to make Rakdos, Lord of Riots viable in this current metagame of standard? I now have gotten a couple and i don't know how to make a deck with him.
DocLawless says... #3
I have two copies of him in my Rakdos aggro deck. A 6/6 flying trampler for 4 mana that makes my unleashed creatures even cheaper to cast if my opponent got hurt? Yes please. I'll grant you that not being able to cast him unless your opponent loses life is a tripping hazard, but in an aggro deck worth it's value your opponent losing life is going to happen frequently.
In practice, he's not the key to the deck winning. Don't make him the focal point. Aggro should be able to win without him, just do it a little quicker with him.
November 20, 2012 10:48 p.m.
Jokernaught says... #4
He is a puzzle piece. Build your deck to be crazy with him on the field, but build a deck that is just a nasty beater without him.
Carsf says... #2
Jund (R/G/B) aggro and Rakdos (R/B) aggro go crazy with him in it. He's cheap for what he does, though it may be hard getting the exact mana for him.
November 20, 2012 10:20 p.m.