Random Treasury Thrull Thought before Bed

Deck Help forum

Posted on Aug. 4, 2013, 8:55 a.m. by Demarge

This maybe a tad bad of an idea, but I'm thinking of trying out a couple of Treasury Thrull s in place of a couple of Unburial Rites for my The Trash Cans of Value Town. Any opinions or thoughts are appreciated.

My thoughts on this matter is that thrull is super good with self digging like Sun Titan before, but it has the advantage of being able to get stuff like Thragtusk and that allows for some pretty powerful plays, it can even get back Restoration Angel to save itself when an opponent tries to kill it with blocks.

...Now that I think about it, it maybe worth looking into building a deck around considering Ratchet Bomb and Dead Weight are super good early removal when you plan on getting them back. Maybe I'll brew one when I wake up >.>

zackattack77 says... #2

I've been seeing a brew based around Trading Post , the combo of Festering Newt and Bubbling Cauldron and Angelic Accord . It ran Ratchet Bomb and could get it back with Trading Post , but Treasury Thrull could get back that plus Festering Newt . I think it has potential.

August 4, 2013 9:02 a.m.

pookypuppy6 says... #3

Treasury Thrull has a great effect but remember it can only be used once a round, so you still may want back-up ways like Unburial Rites to revive more than one thing per turn. A deck focused on his ability resurrecting Dead Weight and Ratchet Bomb and creatures I can see leading to wanting to do a lot of things with them as they sit in your grave in a turn, but Treasury Thrull only getting to bring back one of them. Also note that you'd need to protect him, as he is fairly weak for his cost.

August 4, 2013 9:17 a.m.

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