RDW Aggro and Buff help
Deck Help forum
Posted on June 17, 2013, 12:20 a.m. by Skaolegur
I had originally built a pretty standard RDW with Hellkites, Hellriders and Stromkirk Nobles, but I've lost access to those cards around and am currently trying to build an even more aggresive RDW that is CHEAP. My deck linked here: http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/rdw-to-be-named/
The madcap skills seems to help, but they just put a big target on the creatures head I attach them to, so I was considering Dynacharge or Weapon Surge over them. Initially I had overlooked the +1,+0 and first strike common but in a hyper aggresive deck, it could mean the difference between swinging out and losing all your creatures and winning the game because they stayed alive for more damage.
Also I'm looking for viable 2-3 CMC cards that are viable in an aggro deck, to replace Gore-House and Shred-Freaks. Haste is always good, any other abilities are icing on the flaming lava filled cake.
Any other advice is also welcome.
ENEyman says... #2
Ash Zealots, Firefist Strikers, Burning-Tree Emissaries, and Lightning Maulers are great 2-drops. Also, Dynacharges worked awesomely for my deck at FNM last week. Check out my account for the decklist.
June 17, 2013 1:29 a.m.