RDW with Valakut?
Deck Help forum
Posted on March 27, 2011, 8:17 p.m. by Genbusa
I realize that the idea for a RDW is to play fast and kill ASAP, so would putting the Valakut land in a RDW be silly as it would be turn 6 before you get any results?
MagnorCriol says... #3
It's a mixed bag. The biggest incombatibility between Valakut and RDW is that Valakut comes in tapped, which is a huge drag for RDW's hyper-aggressive play style. Also, RDW usually runs very few lands; the archetype probably has the lowest consistent land count of any other classic deck (not counting weird landless rogue decks).
BUT, like you said, it's sort of an "eh, why not" move as well. It costs you very little, and as long as you don't draw them in the first couple of turns it shouldn't hurt you much. And it's a colorless source of damage, which can be very useful against RDW-killers like Kor Firewalker and Burrenton Forge-Tender .
Sudain says... #2
In my mono red deck I just put it in in-case the game drags out. I don't count on it; but if you are going to draw a land anyway; it might as well do damage.
That burning sensation for reference.
March 27, 2011 8:31 p.m.