Really quick weenie deck.
Deck Help forum
Posted on Feb. 9, 2011, 4:57 p.m. by Zgarbas
I've been having trouble at local events because it seems everyone enjoys countering everything I do. So I decided to do things faster than usual and built this. All one-drops(technically bushwhacker is there for the kicker), or 0-drops, and it's kind of on a budget.
Any suggestions for improvement? And yes, there are very few lands, I haven't gotten the chance to test it outside this site's playground, but it can manage with even one land. Around here almost everyone plays some sort of control, No aggro, little infect. If I get to turn 5 I'm pretty much dead.
cats says... #2
uh, try Kuldotha Red, Vampires, or Boros.
February 9, 2011 9:09 p.m.