Reanimation or Monotonous Black?

Deck Help forum

Posted on Feb. 22, 2014, 4:39 p.m. by Ragdoll

I am getting the new Born of the Gods event deck soon, and the main reason for it is I want the Desecration Demon from it. But I also feel bad about cannibalising it and not using it, so I wanted to make it into another deck, for casual play.

I read that it makes a really nice skeleton for a Mono-Black Devotion deck, but I'm afraid that if I do that, I would have more of a reason to keep the demon in, as it is a staple. So I decided that I would try my hand at reanimation, but I really don't know what I'm doing in that regard and the reanimator decks I've seen are all expensive.

I really don't know how to decide, since I want the demon out and I don't have the budget for reanimator, as far as I know.

Could someone post a shell for budget MBD and budget reanimator, or at least help me decide on an archetype?

Budget Reanimator would be very hard to pull off since it almost has to be 3 colors (B/W/G is the most popular), and nothing drives up the price of a deck more than a bunch of nonbasic lands.You could perhaps try B/G so you can play lots of basics and still have access to Grisly Salvage ($.20 apiece), Commune with the Gods ($.15), Rescue from the Underworld ($.25), and Whip of Erebos ($2). Some good budget Reanimator targets in those colors would be Giant Adephage ($1), Abhorrent Overlord ($.30) and Gray Merchant of Asphodel ($.20) with enough Black Devotion, Nessian Wilds Ravager ($.40), Sylvan Primordial ($1), Shadowborn Demon ($3.50), Champion of Stray Souls ($1.50), and Lord of the Void ($2.50). You'll also need 6-8 mana dorks to do it fast enough, and mix in a little removal.

For MBD, unfortunately almost every Rare in the deck is ridiculously expensive due to the deck's popularity, though Gary thankfully is still cheap. Still, you could replace Thoughtseize with a couple Duress ($.15) and regular removal. Along with replacing Hero's Downfall , that would mean cards like Doom Blade ($.45) and Ultimate Price ($.50). Devour Flesh ($.25) and Bile Blight ($1.30) aren't too bad price-wise. The creatures are where it gets tricky. The insanely overpriced Nightveil Specter could be replaced with Herald of Torment ($2) (which I predict will shoot up in price after RTR rotates). Put in every Desecration Demon you own, but use the rest of the slots for Liliana's Reaver ($.95). Pack Rat ($5.30) could be Pain Seer ($3), Thrill-Kill Assassin ($.20), or Rakdos Shred-Freak ($.15) depending on how you want to go. Finally, Underworld Connections ($2.75) isn't too bad, but Read the Bones ($.20) would be the fill-in. And for lands, 25 or 26 Swamps are fine, though if you have any Black Scry lands, throw them in too.

February 22, 2014 6:08 p.m.

Ragdoll says... #3

Thanks. I'll think on them. I'm also going to make a modern infect deck, so I'll be putting this on hold for now. So far though, reanimator seems like the way I will go. I was thinking getting some Fated Return s, Obzedat's Aid s, and Rise from the Grave s. Do they seem any good? Lastly, I would use my whips, but I heard that they aren't that widely used for reanimator and I use the only ones I have for my golgari deck, which I think I classify as aggro, or something similar to that, with a few graveyard tricks.

February 22, 2014 6:15 p.m.

Those 3 are good as well, though a deck with Obzedat's Aid would tend to be pricy since now you're looking at 3 colors. With the Whip, I honestly do like it for Reanimator because it's reusable, the Lifelink is awesome, it gets creatures moving immediately, and it can be dug up with Commune with the Gods . It definitely depends on what creatures you decide to use tho, as those that use ETB triggers or do something when they deal damage (most of the creatures I listed do one or the other) will be much better since Exiling at the end of turn is less of a drawback.

February 22, 2014 6:23 p.m.

One other random suggestion: I really like Lotleth Troll ($1.75) for Reanimator since it can defend well early on and discard fatties for free when needed.

February 22, 2014 6:26 p.m.

Ragdoll says... #6

Thanks a lot, this was helpful. I'll keep you posted.

February 22, 2014 6:27 p.m.

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