Reckless Waif v. Stromkirk Noble
Deck Help forum
Posted on Nov. 28, 2012, 12:50 p.m. by AkromaPhage6
Which card is better in a standard RDW deck right now, Reckless Waif Flip or Stromkirk Noble ?
DeletedNow4ever says... #3
they're both good in a standard RDW deck is better mainboard and one is better sideboard. Reckless Waif Flip is a great sideboard card for slow decks that like to drop a shockland sideways turn 1, but keep in mind it's really only good on the play. On the draw you want to keep in the Stromkirk Noble s. Here's my RDW that has been consistent and won me a lot of packs at FNMs over the last few weeks. deck:ravnicardw
November 28, 2012 3:05 p.m.
Ohthenoises says... #4
I would say it is more dependent on your meta. If you are looking at a lot of W/G humans or Naya builds or even anything with lots of dorks than Stromkirk Noble is better. If you can get in once or twice he will be better in the long run but if you can't get through then Reckless Waif Flip starts to take the edge.
Rayenous says... #2
Stromkirk Noble will be better most of the time, though the cards played with it may alter this.
1) The Nobel is consistent (will not 'flip back'), thus any counters it gets, is a permanent increase.
2) The opponent has no say in how big the Noble gets, but can plan on casting 2 spells to make the Waif smaller... giving the opponent options when you can avoid it, is usually not a good idea.
3) In the same respect, if the opponent casts a spell on each of his/her turns, you will need waste a turn by not casting anything in order to make the Waif Flip.
4) The 'no upper limit' of the Nobles means that it will usually be viewed as a threat right away, and the opponent will usually spend effort in removing it. This means that the removal can be used on bigger/better creatures when you use the Waif.
November 28, 2012 1:04 p.m.