Red Deck Burns Out too Quick plz help
Deck Help forum
Posted on Feb. 28, 2012, 1:44 p.m. by Valentine35
I playtested this deck amongst friends a bunch of times and i found the problem...If i dont win in under 5-6 turns im going to lose. Im not sure what exactly is wrong here, its just that this deck burns out of cards so quickly and i cant seem to get land out, which is crazy because their is more than enough land in their, and its frickin mono colored so i dont have a problem of getting the WRONG land im just getting NO land. I spend almost every match with only 3 land out. Even with the hinderance of 3 lands my deck still burns itself out too quickly. i'll end up with Faithless Looting sitting in my hand with only 2 other cards in it lol which would be pointless to use. Any help would be awesome, and im sorry i rambled but i really thought this deck would work and its just not, i had high hopes for is this red blob of burnt out mess...deck:exuro-in-abyssus...please let me know what i should do to it, because hi deck is on the verge of the scrap pile.
Unholy_Ravager is right. More one drops. Red is supposed to be aggressive - and nothing starts off a match better than a Stromkirk Noble to pressure your opponent, or a Goblin Fireslinger to trigger the Bloodthirst on Stormblood Berserker easily.
Four Faithless Lootings is a lot - I'd run 3, max - 2 is a better idea, though. Don't forget they have flashback. You need more quick removal - Volt Charge is great, but why no Shock s or Arc Trail s? Quick and easy removal against threats. Not to mention it makes it easier to replay Chandra's Phoenix .
Red Deck Wins is about being super aggro, super fast. Your deck needs to run faster, is all that matters. I play a red deck - Goblin Deck Wins - and I only run 20 lands. That's pretty much all I need. Yours could probably be okay on 22 lands if you take your mana curve down a bit. Like I said, those quick burn spells will help a lot - seems like yours are around 3 mana cost, which is too high for ALL of them.
February 28, 2012 3:48 p.m.
Valentine35 says... #5
thanks for the help everyone, i took your advice and reduced the amount of Faithless Looting and mana in the deck. i also added a few things like Goblin Fireslinger s and Shock s, im not a big fan of Arc Trail i tried it before and it didnt seem to work well. Im totally new at red aggro so thanks for the help and i hope it works better, ill let you all know how it goes.
February 28, 2012 4:51 p.m.
You for sure want 4 Shrine of Burning Rage . It just wins sooo many games (I play mono-red as well). Especially when you're playing 4 Volt Charge s. Also, Slagstorm just kills everything you've got out, which is incredibly counterproductive.
February 28, 2012 7:17 p.m.
Valentine35 says... #7
thanks everyone for the help. I'm going to give this deck another whirl, but the ways its shaping up it doesnt look like red aggro is for me, i dipped my toes into that lava pool and didnt like how it felt. I will of course give this a few more chances with using all of the suggestions you guys have made, thank you all so much. I mostly tried mono red because of the great success i had with my mono black deck, but this just isnt the same.
February 29, 2012 6:50 a.m.
Honestly, I would consider swapping 7 mountains for 4 Sulfur Falls , 2 Evolving Wilds , and an island. Then, I would swap the Faithless Looting for Desperate Ravings
Hidiot says... #2
Here's my take on it:
I playtested it a little and hardly had trouble with the lands. You either have bad luck or don't shuffle well enough.Heck, I once started with 6 lands and one faithless looting in hand, and from there it went well.
You have nothing that gives you card advantage, the best you have is card replacement, but that's ok, since this is an aggro deck and is supposed to win within 5 turns or so.
I can't comment on how good of an aggro deck it is, thought, since I'm not versed in aggro.
February 28, 2012 3:11 p.m.