Red Deck Wins Help
Deck Help forum
Posted on Dec. 10, 2013, 9:43 a.m. by iVampire
Is it a good idea to take out 1x Pillar of Flame and 3x Magma Jet to put in 4x Manamorphose . I have not really seen this card used much in competitive RDW so I am wondering if it will work. It also helps for more black mana and, if needed, some green mana for Deathrite Shaman
Blizzicane says... #4
No you need all the burn you can get in RDW so there is no space for card draw such as that.
Matsi883 says... #2
This belongs in the Deck Help forum. The Modern Forum specifically states "NO DECKLISTS." Epochalyptik should be here soon to move it.
December 10, 2013 11:26 a.m.