red green deck
Deck Help forum
Posted on July 9, 2013, 10:39 p.m. by pokeyrabbit
i was just wondering if red green ramp aggro is a viable deck in standard. thanks.
NobodyPicksBulbasaur says... #3
First, Ramp and Aggro are fundamentally different archetypes. Ramp spends its first few turns amassing mana in order to play large threats earlier than your opponent can respond to them. Aggro spends its first few turns playing extremely efficient damaging creatures and spells in order to reduce their opponent's life total as quickly as possible.
I'm pretty sure you're talking about the classic Ramp strategy, so I'll answer your question with that in mind.
In the current metagame Ramp isn't a terribly viable strategy. The few turns you lose building up your mana base give your opponent time to build their resources. Against Aggro you'll be in the danger zone before you land a threat. Against Junk Reanimator you will finally land a threat only to have it exiled by Angel of Serenity .
Basically, if the format slows down Ramp will be able to rebuild its home as a top-tier deck. Until then, other decks are able to either outpace it or create better threats faster than Ramp can accomplish. Unburial Rites is a hell of a card.
July 9, 2013 10:58 p.m.
NobodyPicksBulbasaur says... #5
Maybe. If there are strong ramp spells and things worth ramping into. The loss of Kessig Wolf Run is going to hurt, simply because it helped mana dorks do something in the late game. It'll probably be the go-to deck for pumping out fatties once we lose Unburial Rites , though.
Ramp is good at making big things quickly, but has the inherent weakness of inconsistent draws. Mid game when you need to draw a fatty you will often just draw a Rampant Growth
and then lose.
Dalektable says... #2
yes it is there are some great gruul aggro decks out there
July 9, 2013 10:54 p.m.