RedGreen Ramp in Standard: I want to see big action.
Deck Help forum
Posted on Oct. 8, 2013, 11:49 a.m. by Korombos
I've been brewing up a deck type that I don't have much experience with, but one that I'm excited to try with all these huge monstrous creatures around. Xenagos & Domri Party- Advice Welcomed is my current draft of the deck.
Am I running enough land? If not, what should I cut for land?
Do I need more ramp? Is there a ramp card I'm overlooking in this build, or do I have too much?
Are my big guns unsatisfactory? What should I be upgrading to?
What should a sideboard for this kind of deck look like?
Do you have any other kindly advice for someone dipping his toes in this deck type?
((BTW, I generally like to stay away from Black and Blue as colors in my decks.))