Removal options to deal with Blood Baron and Stormbreath
Deck Help forum
Posted on March 8, 2014, 5:33 p.m. by DodgeNDive
Hi guys, I'm playing Junk colours (B/G/W) and I am looking for something that could deal with Blood Baron of Vizkopa as well as Stormbreath Dragon . All I can think of right now is something like Devour Flesh or Celestial Flare .
At the moment, my way of dealing them is by combat tricks, but would really like to see if there's any efficient removals out there that deals with these two big bombs effortlessly in Junk colours.
Servo_Token says... #3
I'm also looking at this issue for my Orzhov midrange deck. Solutions i've come up with are Lifebane Zombie , Celestial Flare , Devour Flesh , and just being faster than them.
March 8, 2014 5:55 p.m.
DodgeNDive says... #5
Hmmm I was looking for a card that could deal with both just as effectively, I suppose in Junk, that means a sort of removal that's green.
I wonder if fight mechanism would work? Like Time to Feed for example, but then what happens if it's a Desecration Demon fighting a Blood Baron of Vizkopa ? Would baron take no damage still?
March 8, 2014 5:58 p.m.
Fight mechanics won't work if you're fighting them with something they have protection from. Creatures with protection can't be dealt damage by sources they have protection from.
March 8, 2014 6:04 p.m.
DodgeNDive says... #7
I have Lifebane Zombie and Thoughtseize in my deck, What if There's a Deck With No Bad Match Up?.
Always so great when I take baron out of their hand, but when it hits the field, the lifelink hurts, that said I was so tired last game that I didn't keep my Witchstalker and Skylasher as blockers... Maybe I don't actually need it that much, but just thought if there's strictly better options out there.
March 8, 2014 6:05 p.m.
Servo_Token says... #8
Correct, baron takes no damage there. I'm thinking that just ignoring the big thing and ploughing through is your best bet here. Do you have a deck list that we can work with?
March 8, 2014 6:05 p.m.
DodgeNDive says... #10
Seems like Celestial Flare is the best option since Stormbreath often swing alone for its flying, and Baron with its protection.
Thanks guys!
March 8, 2014 6:07 p.m.
DodgeNDive says... #11
Haha Mage, I would +1 your ninja'd comment if I could +1 comments... :)
March 8, 2014 6:08 p.m.
For that deck, I would really try to fit in some Advent of the Wurm . Its a fantastic card, and it will solve BBoV. The SBD really shouldn't be that big of an issue with your black removal, but if you still think it is you could sideboard some extra kill spells.
March 8, 2014 6:09 p.m.
If I were you, I would drop 1 of each: Unflinching Courage , Witchstalker , Selesnya Charm , Loxodon Smiter .
I think Unflinching Courage is just begging for a 2 for 1. I know its powerful if you can get it to stick, I just think 4 copies is too many.
Witchstalker is great against blue, but I'm not sure it's anything special against other decks. Which is why I personally use it as more of a SB card, and I definitely think Advent of the Wurm is stronger.
Similar argument for Loxodon Smiter . Again, its great against blue, but against everything else its just a big body. The wurm is a bigger body and comes with trample.
Finally, the charm. Its very good, and has lots of utility. I just think 4 is a lot, and I think you could get by with 3. Again, I just think the wurm is a stronger card.
Those are just my suggestions tho. Feel free to ignore them if you don't like them.
March 8, 2014 7:28 p.m.
DodgeNDive says... #15
Good reasonings, the deck's removal and anti-removal package is its main strength, witchstalker is mainboard because of the 4 of courages to be honest, it's a safe bet for the most part, and the selesnya charm gives me insurance against creatures that gets bigger than my 5/5 enchanted witchstalker.
Smiter in this case is the weakest link, since I did have him mainly for the many Rakdos's Returns running around my local meta. So maybe I will try 2 instead of the smiters.
I'm just wary of bounce cards against the tokens is all.I think next in line to try is Boon Satyr to try and surprise trade for Blood Baron.
Man I can't wait for Journey into Nyx already... roll on those B/G scrylands!
kmcree says... #2
For the dragon, any black kill spell will work (Hero's Downfall , Doom Blade , Ultimate Price , etc). For BBoV the 2 cards you mentioned work. So does flashing in either a Boon Satyr or Advent of the Wurm and blocking (the wurm token is only green). The away part of Far / Away works for both as well. Something like Plummet or Windstorm will also work for SBD.
March 8, 2014 5:46 p.m.