☁ Renovated Simic!
Deck Help forum
Posted on Sept. 25, 2013, 12:43 a.m. by Xzoduz606
I Exiled my Old Simic: FlyingHex Counter Deck then Regenerated into this xxXXxx :D I Wanna See What can be used to improved it any Pointers Would be Appreciated.. Hopefully able to play this on FNM Soon.
TrollNtrample says... #2
Early to mid game I think you'd be fine, and I am personally a giant fan of Young Wolf . He's awesome for a one drop. Also, I'd take a look at maybe Vorel of the Hull Clade . With his ability, things can get very overwhelming for your opponent when you start doubling your counters. Also, since your deck is so counter based, maybe look at Bioshift .
Bioshift actually works great with undying, because after they come back, you can just shift the counters and virtually keep them alive for a while. Or if you find one of your hard hitting creatures pacified/exiled/destroyed you can just cast Bioshift and move the counters since it is an instant.
Also Leyline Phantom works really well in an evolve deck. You can just bounce him to your hand, and then summon him again each turn and level up your evolve creatures even more.
One last thing, I'd maybe think more about your end game creature. That creature that will help you secure the victory if the game starts to stall out. If you're in a match that goes mid to late game, I honestly can't see this deck pulling out an easy victory every time.
I think I'd drop Rapid Hybridization and mainboard Negate . That way you're not giving your opponent more creatures, and then you could just use Spell Rupture to counter creature spealls and Negate for anything else.
Other cards to look at:
Burst of Strength
Krasis Incubation
Nimbus Swimmer
Forced Adaptation
I would recommend Scavenging Ooze , but he's fairly expensive to acquire.
Llanowar Reborn (Heroes vs. Monsters Theros duel deck comes with two of these)
Ivy Lane Denizen is a nice combo with Zameck Guildmage
Hunt the Weak
Crowned Ceratok
Adaptive Snapjaw is nice because he has two toughness, so anytime you play a creature with a higher toughness, it will trigger evolve.
Dragon Blood
And possibly Howlgeist for late to end game.
September 25, 2013 1:18 a.m.