Replacement for Faithless Looting in my Hammer Time deck?
Deck Help forum
Posted on Sept. 8, 2019, 5:36 p.m. by Lightningtow
I found a Hammer Time deck that I liked, but the only problem was that it used Faithless Looting , which is now banned in modern. I'm not sure which card to replace it with. Any help?
I was thinking of using either Tormenting Voice or Cathartic Reunion for card draw, or just putting in Steelshaper's Gift to tutor for equipment or adding a Magnetic Theft or two.
This is the article I based it off of and the deck I'm currently planning on making:
Decklist and link Show
Stoneforge Mystic and Magnetic Theft like posted above is a good fit. Mystic tutors for your hammer, and can put it into play at instant speed. Then theft can put it on one of your creatures at instant speed. But mystic is a high value, but gift can at least do the searching part.
September 8, 2019 6:58 p.m.
I think these decks could put Goblin Engineer to good use. It pairs well with SFM, anyway. Also, Trash for Treasure isn't five bucks anymore.
heckproof says... #2
First off, how much of a budget are you working with? The original SaffronOlive list was pretty ultra-budget, but you’ll have a much better deck if you’re able to spend more.
Faithless Looting was in no way integral to the deck. Mr. Seth “Proooobably better known as SaffronOlive” used a playset because the card was cheap money wise and was fine enough for the deck. Magnetic Theft would work fine, and Steelshaper's Gift would be pretty ideal as well. But, in all honesty, I’d say that there are more creative ways to boost the deck, or wildly different shells thereof. Think about it. Stoneforge Mystic just got unbanned. The possibilities are endless. Here’s a mono-white brew I made that focuses slightly on tribal that also incorporates part of the HammerTime combo: Stone-Kor-ge. Point being, experiment a little. See what you like!
September 8, 2019 6:21 p.m.