Roon EDH - Thoughts?

Deck Help forum

Posted on Dec. 20, 2013, 1:42 p.m. by zandl

I'm really looking for some suggestions on what to add (mainly, fun-yet-not-so-abusive ETB creatures) and what to take out in those spots. I want to keep the deck geared toward 3+ multiplayer and have it really focused on ETB triggers and Roon of the Hidden Realm himself.

I've already got my Maybeboard filled in with just a handful of things off the top of my head (some I know will go in, others I just briefly thought about), but I'm always looking for more.

I also feel like I have too much ramp. Thoughts on this? I don't really like Basalt Monolith now that I own a Thran Dynamo .

Also, I don't like Rupture Spire / Transguild Promenade . As much as I enjoy diversifying my land-bases, you just don't need mana-fixing that crucially in a three-color deck. Same goes for Terramorphic Expanse and Evolving Wilds . Just add more Basics, perhaps?

Any time spent looking over my list would help me out immensely. Now that I hate Standard more than I have in the past 5 years, I'm trying to focus my attention on EDH and really get a good coupleuhdecks going for casual play.

deck chart Roon EDH

Commander / EDH zandl Playtest

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