R/U Human Steals?!

Deck Help forum

Posted on May 23, 2012, 5:16 a.m. by tacowingnut

You read right. My deck does just that. And it's crazy stupid fun!Opponent: "I'll play my 'X'! Prepare for defeat!"Me: "Naw, I think I'll just take it for myself. -STEALS-!"

Heh. That's usually how it goes. At least for me. xD

So, anyway, I wanted to ask the TappedOut community if you could give me some ideas on something you might add to better my We Want YOU! deck. Plus, I have no idea what to put in the Sideboard, so that would also be something I'd like help with.

Thanks for your time! :D

Dirt3pz says... #2

Deadeye NavigatorMTG Card: Deadeye Navigator + Zealous ConscriptsMTG Card: Zealous Conscripts is a Mind ControlMTG Card: Mind Control you can use over and over again for only 4 mana.

its a bit more mana heavy if you want the Deadeye NavigatorMTG Card: Deadeye Navigator + Zealous ConscriptsMTG Card: Zealous Conscripts to be resistant to DamnationMTG Card: Damnation/Doom BladeMTG Card: Doom Blade/Barter in BloodMTG Card: Barter in Blood or any other type of removal.

May 23, 2012 5:56 a.m.

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