R/U/G Ideas
Deck Help forum
Posted on July 14, 2013, 5:03 a.m. by Free_Iona
Hi everyone
I'm really interested in putting together a deck in R/U/G colours, but I'm having trouble finding a central premise or a central aim. Should I try base it on burn? combos? mana ramp?
I've surfed through the Irindu hub, but a lot of the decks on there at the moment are Riku or Animar EDH decks.
I guess I'm asking this: in your opinions, what are the current trends in Standard R/U/G, and what is the most successful way to play these colours at the moment?
If you could link your decks or any good ones here in the thread, that'd be must appreciated.
Thanks everyone.
ShimmerVoid says... #2
RUG Nightshade Peddler + Izzet Staticaster (with things like Huntmaster of the Fells Flip and Snapcaster Mage is my personal favourite).
It's Wizarding Time! Here's a deck with RUG as its main colors. Also happen to be one of my favorite decks to play in standard.
July 14, 2013 5:46 a.m.