running all five colors and a new kind of control

Deck Help forum

Posted on Dec. 17, 2013, 3:19 p.m. by patrickloyd

alright, one of my friends runs a kind of control deck. he does not control you more of you creatures and exile pile. how he does this id he uses cards that mill into your exile pile then uses a card, which i can not think of, that when ever you deal combat damage you can play an exiled card. i love the idea only i would like to put my twist on it with a card like Act of Treason . the question is what cards gain control of things that are standard. from a simple creature to an exile pile. and what colors should it be. all five colors or will i be too mana screwed?

Myogenesis says... #2

Kind of confused, but I'll take a shot.

You're most likely referring to Nightveil Specter and/or Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver - these two cards don't use the same exile pile however...they read "cards exiled with insert either card name". If you have two Nightveil Specter s out, they each have their own 'exile piles', if one gets removed the cards you exiled with it are permanently exiled and the remaining Nightveil Specter cannot use those cards, only its own.

Anyways, the majority of creature control in standard is in red, although blue has things such as Simic Manipulator , or you can get into clone effects such as Clone , Artisan of Forms , etc.

I wouldn't recommend running 5-colours, you need consistency in a deck and that would be quite the opposite (and land bases for 5-colours can be confusing and/or very expensive to build properly).

December 17, 2013 4:13 p.m.

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