R/W Human Aggro
Deck Help forum
Posted on Dec. 24, 2012, 12:16 a.m. by DocLawless
Okay, so for Christmas I got my buddy the "Fiery Dawn" pre-constructed deck after he mentioned he wanted to get back into playing Magic. So now he's really interested. We played around with it's construction a fair bit; I gave him more Thatcher Revolts, a Goldnight Commander , a Kessig Malcontents and some of the RTR burn cards. And I broached the subject of "Standard legal" to him, so that's in his head for when he decides he wants to compete. And he eventually will.
What I want to know is what cards do I direct him to for a competitive R/W humans deck? Because he's going to ask and I want to be able to answer with something other than "well, wait for Boros". I totally missed the Innistrad block because I wasn't playing at the time, which I regret now because looking back at Innistrad it's a really cool block. And I have a limited idea of what cards are available from it for this kind of deck.
I've noted Champion of the Parish , Clifftop Retreat and Increasing Devotion as potential musts (with a little less "potentially" and a little more "definitely" with Clifftop Retreat though). Also Fiend Hunter , Ash Zealot and Angelic Overseer as potential maybes.
I run a deck like this. When I play, I usually try to come in with everything at once since that is the best way to use Goldnight Commander . I have found Kruin Striker and Odric, Master Tactician to be great especially when paired with goldnight Thatcher Revolt combo. Champion of the Parish is a must in this deck! The commander thatcher combo adds +6/+6 to him and by then he should already be big. Silverblade Paladin or Riot Ringleader make good 3-drops, and I'm a fan of Vigilante Justice and card:Cathars' Crusade if things get a little tough. Gather the Townsfolk and Increasing Devotion are great for tokens, and so is Thraben Doomsayer . The doomsayer will really slow the game down, but it's another way to play the deck, and he makes Crusader of Odric really fun. Bonds of Faith and Cloudshift are also really helpful in general.
December 24, 2012 12:46 a.m.
DocLawless says... #4
Man, getting Naya's tough to beat.
I was eyeballing that curve too. Increasing Devotion has a damn fine flashback effect for the deck, but the game should be over before he can afford to bring it back.
December 24, 2012 12:50 a.m.
DocLawless says... #5
Oh wow, I can see Crusader of Odric and Champion of the Parish getting out of hand real fast.
December 24, 2012 12:54 a.m.
Ohthenoises says... #6
I generally would run a mixture of Thatcher Revolt and Gather the Townsfolk over Increasing Devotion . In the words of Rhadamanthus: "Things rarely work how you want them to."
December 24, 2012 12:56 a.m.
DocLawless says... #9
That's not a bad one either.
How do we feel about Zealous Conscripts around here? It's a nice card at home, but how's it doing in competition?
December 24, 2012 2:42 a.m.
I have definitely looked at the captain, but the big problem with Precinct Captain in this sort of a deck is that he creates soldiers. This means that the champion and Vigilante Justice (if you choose to use that) won't work. Also, I like Fencing Ace better than Precinct Captain because buffing a double strike does a lot more. The other problem with the captain is that he creates the tokens after combat, so the buff form Goldnight Commander won't apply.
December 24, 2012 2:32 p.m.
DocLawless says... #11
Good point, he's got a lot of soldiers but they're humans too. Needs to not split the attention if it's going to be as competitive as it can be. I rather like Fencing Ace now that I'm looking at him in terms of how much buffing goes on with this deck.
December 24, 2012 5:04 p.m.
DocLawless says... #12
Okay, I might have a start here with deck:boros-revolt. Not really sold on this one as is though, there seems to be a lot of things going on with it. Input is welcome.
Ohthenoises says... #2
Sublime Archangel or Riders of Gavony should be your curve toppers IMHO. Due to the amount of haste I'd say you could capitalize more with Riders of Gavony .
Boros/Naya humans are going to be pretty damn powerful. Also, consider Burn at the Stake , Gather the Townsfolk , Restoration Angel , and Battle Hymn .
Naya offers Mayor of Avabruck Flip among others.
December 24, 2012 12:35 a.m.