R/W Standard Human Deck Help!
Deck Help forum
Posted on Dec. 22, 2012, 1:29 a.m. by ChampOfTheParish
Hey right now I'm running a deck based around Kessig Malcontents and Champion of the Parish. Let me know what you guys think and what I can do to improve the deck.
4x Cloudshift
1x card:Cathars' Crusade
16x Plains
8x Mountain
I am hoping to get another Angel of Jubilation and possibly another Cathars' Crusade. Captain of the Watch is expensive and I thought about taking it out but I love the possibility of Cloudshifting him. I also thought about adding Dual Casting,thoughts? Any suggestions would be appreciated!
KrisLoom186 says... #3
Angel of Jubilation is very cheap to buy now and so is Captain of the Watch However if you throw in Crusader of Odric that would be beast man!!
December 22, 2012 2:36 a.m.
ChampOfTheParish says... #4
Oh by expensive I meant in terms of mana cost haha. I like keeping my cards' cmc 4 or below. Captain of the Watch just fits really nice, especially when you have Champion out there because you can cloudshift Captain and make your champion an 8/8 just from cloudshifting captain. Then drop a Kessig and its an automatic 10 damage before attacking.
December 22, 2012 3:07 a.m.
ChampOfTheParish says... #5
Its for standard. I actually took out Crusader of Odric trying to downsize the deck. I will most likely take out Serra Avenger as it doesn't really fit. I just like the 3/3 flying with vigilance for 2 mana.
December 22, 2012 3:10 a.m.
KrisLoom186 says... #8
I have never seen Jungle Shrine before, I use Clifftop Retreat sometimes with my humans. when gatecrash releases this deck only gets better with the R/W guild cards and new duel land.
December 22, 2012 3:18 a.m.
ChampOfTheParish says... #9
Wow intrepid hero is scary haha. I've never seen that card yet but I could definitely make room for two of those in here. I only use Jungle Shrine for now because I don't have any of the dual lands. I need to invest in some Clifftops. Yeah, I can't wait for Boros Guild.
December 22, 2012 3:23 a.m.
DARK_r3ck0n1ng says... #10
if possible you should get a play set of Clifftop Retreat and 2x more Silverblade Paladin s as he is a best and having both of your colors is very good. Cavern of Souls helps too and it keeps your humans from being countered.
December 22, 2012 3:24 a.m.
KrisLoom186 says... #11
Cavern of Souls are great but really expensive cards
December 22, 2012 3:28 a.m.
DARK_r3ck0n1ng says... #12
the cards i stated to add would be ruffly $120-150 for 10. yes, they are expensive but would improve the deck alot as a turn 1 champion, into gather (3), into turn 3 unconterable paladin pairing with chamion (10), and if your playing a slower deck you have dealt 13 damage alone so far, increasing those odds always helps.
December 22, 2012 3:32 a.m.
KrisLoom186 says... #13
Nearheath Pilgrim , Thalia, Guardian of Thraben , might work for you. idk if you have a sideboard but Curse of Exhaustion , Loyal Cathar Flip might be of some ideas.
December 22, 2012 3:35 a.m.
consider adding Burn at the Stake . it's expensive to cast (which is an extra problem, due to mana issue this decks generate), but it should be a nice finisher. I think that Rootborn Defenses could be useful, because the biggest weakness of that deck is board sweeping.
also feel free to check out my RW humans deck: Boros RW Humans [pre GTC].
December 22, 2012 5:59 a.m.
TyWooOneTime says... #16
I could be wrong, but Captain of the Watch 's tokens won't trigger Champion of the Parish because they're classified as "soldiers" not "humans," note the difference between card:Captain's Call and Gather the Townsfolk . But Cloudshift could be quite useful to flicker Kessig Malcontents repeatedly for easy damage.
Precinct Captain could be useful but he also makes soldier tokens rather than humans. Now Thraben Doomsayer - that could be great fun, especially with card:Cathars' Crusade.
December 22, 2012 1:29 p.m.
lolipop666 says... #17
if you wan to pull some awesome combos with your human tokens, you should check out this deck: white-red humans pwnage it was my first standard deck and now all my friends get pwned by it.
December 23, 2012 9:38 a.m.
Captain of the Watch doesn't pump up Champion of the Parish because she puts sldier tokens down, not humans.
December 23, 2012 9:55 a.m.
KrisLoom186 says... #19
Captain of the Watch does pump up Champion of the Parish a little bit with +1/+1 counter ability. However I don't know why there is a difference between soldier tokens and human tokens. soldiers are 'HUMAN'
KrisLoom186 says... #2
Great deck is this for EDH or Standard?
December 22, 2012 2:33 a.m.