SCG B/W Control... did it first?
Deck Help forum
Posted on Dec. 15, 2013, 3:09 p.m. by strateupjee
So I was playing an Orzhov Mid-Range and it just wasn't doing it for me, so I adapted it into a version of the Mono-Black Devotion Control that has been in top 8's since it was conceived. My thing is that an article was recently published on the StarCityGames website that was about a B/W Mid-Range that is my exact deck idea, only adding 2 more Blood Barons and dropping the Gray Merchants altogether, so my question is...
How well do people think this deck could do? I would like to ask about my deck specifically, and I will post a link, however this is not simply a shameless plug, I would really like to know how people think MBD feat. Blood Baron could stand against the current metas?
strateupjee says... #3
Holy shit I had no idea! Well in that case, I have been featuring Blood Baron since like a month ago, so I mean, is this where to be? And should I add another Blood Baron in?
December 15, 2013 3:18 p.m.
it kinda depends on what your local meta plays... on the pro circuit there is so many mono black decks running around that the Pro-black Blood Baron has makes it feel like it's indestructible. It'd definitely an awesome card though, but how well the deck actually does will depend on what everyone else at your LGS is playing. For instance if everyone at your local shop is playing some variation of red, whether its devotion, G/R. aggro, etc. then odds are he'll just get Mizzium Mortars tossed at him all the time and a deck specifically built around him will probably not have as much success as one that was facing a ton of mono black matchups, you see what i'm saying??
December 15, 2013 4:26 p.m.
strateupjee says... #5
I do, however there is a couple mono-blacks, a few control decks, and a couple golgaris, so I feel he has a really strong presence in all those match ups.
December 15, 2013 4:29 p.m.
yeah in the mono-black matchups he's definitely a beast, and in the golgari matchups any removal they have will be black (Putrefy , Hero's Downfall , Doom Blade , etc.) and then depending on what creatures they run they may have some green beasts that can handle him. In control (U/W or Esper) the only thing you have to work around is counter spells and bounce spells. You might be able to have some really good success with a deck like that, good luck!
mafteechr says... #2
Uh, an Orzhov deck with Blood Baron and no Gray Merchant won the Grand Prix last weekend...
December 15, 2013 3:17 p.m.